Home built guitar number 2, a bit of progress

I'm done with the oiling process. I went with a smooth satin finish because I want it to feel like raw wood in my hands, and this one really does.

Here's a shot with the hardware in place, minus pickups, which still haven't arrived.

I got the pickups and wired it up, but I decided to use a graph-tech instead of teh bone nut that I had for it because a white nut looked terrible. Other than the nut - it's finished. I might post a demo video or something later.


Here's the quilted top for the upcoming guitar number 3.


I be documenting this one closely as well, but I'll probably just post a photobucket link here or something instead of posting a million pictures.
Hey, no complaints with a million pictures dude, keep it up! And I'm honestly not sure about those wood pickup rings, but that of course is just personal preference - well done!
Thanks. I am sort of second guessing the pick up rings myself, I think I might make a new set out of walnut to match the center stripe.

Yeah, I think that'd work better, as well as making them rectangular, both inside and out, rather than rounded.
why don't you just direct-mount the pickups? I think most people think that sounds better anyway....unless you previously posted a reason why you aren't do that, I haven't read this thread in a while
Yeah, claiming direct-mounting pickups sounds better sounds like completely horseshit to me, I think it's just done for aesthetic reasons, but if you've routed for having pickup rings, then direct mounting looks like shit because the cavities are way too big cuz they have to accomodate the springs (though this is on production guitars, so when it comes to custom axes, it's all up in the air!)
This thing is all buttoned up, (well, I'm still going to make some different pickup rings and a truss rod cover, but I'm going to be playing it for a while first)

Last on the list was the fretwork....you haven't lived until you've played on mirror polished stainless steel. This thing feels like it's greased, and I officially cannot put it down. :lol:

This thing is all buttoned up, (well, I'm still going to make some different pickup rings and a truss rod cover, but I'm going to be playing it for a while first)

Last on the list was the fretwork....you haven't lived until you've played on mirror polished stainless steel. This thing feels like it's greased, and I officially cannot put it down. :lol:

Sell me that Death poster!!! Not even kidding!! Please!

Guitar looks sweeeeet