Guitarists: The Thordelian Style!!


I rise...
Oct 13, 2001
Good to see there are some guitarists present!!!

I am really getting into what they start to call the Thordelian style of playin.
Of course as everyone knows (ahem) they refer to Fredrik Thordendal of Meshuggah,
that guy has got some awesome two hand tappin' goin on!
I think he mainly uses some sort of diminished scale and then really makes it sound really weird!

Anybody into this kind of thing?
I am calling all progmetal lovers out there, it is hard to find anything about this
since the guy speaks no English at all and I suspect him of not knowing what the hell he is doin' ;-) and he still rocks, I hate those guys ;-) hehe.

Let's crack his playin' (try to) :lol:
Doesn't speak English? I've met him 4 times and he can hold his own, hehe. He's definately got a unique style ( a metal Allan Holdsworth). I wish he'd shine more though. On Nothing, his solos are hardly audible at times, and he should make more use of his breath controller, like on the song Missing Time, which is a masterpiece. His solo CD outdoes any Meshuggah album, and Meshuggah are my favorite band. A few of my friends are jazz musicians who go to Berklee in Boston and I got them to love Meshuggah, especially Thordendal. They love his soloing style.
You met him a couple of times? cool dude! if only I was given a chance like that, I would love to see him play up close, it is very hard to find any transcriptions or comments from him on his playin and it's driving me insane. Same about Hooldsworth (although he has got some books but they are way over my head for now)

You have got some friends who attend Boston GIT? LUCKY BASTARDS!! I went to GIT (powerhouse) in London and I was introduced to two hand tappin' by Shaun Baxter (another great guitar wiz).

I have recorded the solo from Qualms of Reality and you can find it on the net at the forum of:
check it out, I am pretty satisfied with it! My nick over there is GreenEyezzz.

ps: you mention the song 'missing time' but I can't seem to find it anywhere on my Meshuggah albums. pls don't tell me I am missing one!!! ;-)

I don't have any insight into the technical side of Thordeneal's playing because I play drums, but he is one of the few guitar players who's solos are really original and add to the song. He probably has studied a lot of wierd scales that he can apply to fit the song. Kinda like the drummer can get into polyrhythms and odd times and make it seem effortless. I'm sure they have put a lot of work into getting these effects.