Guitars doesn't stand out in mix, tons of layers?

Alright Ill start from the beginning and strip everything down, right after I read that tutorial a few times to get familiar with it. Thanks alot! Ill be posting an update in a few days after working hard to get a better sound. And thanks for the comments on the intro! Yes I made it myself, using Mozart's "Lacrimosa" song, I tried EQing it to make it sound distant, and the footsteps and prayer were recorded, the sound FX were samples.
Everything is clipping and conflicting with one and other, try stripping everything down as said above then bring the bass and drums up and get these to sit nice together, maybe using a bit of side chaining on the kick drum and the bass guitar. Then as for the guitars never copy the track twice to try and make it stand out only makes it louder........the idea of it is to change the setting/amps/guitars/player between every take so that the layers are slightly different and tight with each other.

I often use two amps one on each side, then a different guitar on each track on each side. Like one guitar does take one on left and take one on right. but i often only use one each side.

Also one of my friends who was in the studio will the new killers album got tracked(yes not metal, oh well......) and he got hints and tips from the engineer. HE said to scoop out 300-800hz to make things louder in the mix to not cloud things up as much. and bass frequencies that often conflict and mud things up are 125/250/500hz.

And take unnecessary bass frequencies of everything, they use up a lot of energy and headroom in the mix. I also take things out such as toms when they are not being played by cutting to the transient of the hits, so i can have them louder in the mix without bringing the bleed out in the mix muddying it up.

However these are only guides and the frequencies may sit in different frequencies around them ranges. but trail and error is the way forward. IF you know there is something drastically wrong with your mixes don't release them.
Didn't listen to the example but in general... doing that many guitar tracks is accomplishing the exact opposite of what you want. It might give you a big wall but certainly not clarity. Especially with metal stuff!! Try going back to basics and do one main left and right, and play it well... will sound much better.
Ok, I've re-recorded everything, and here is what I have so far with the guitar and drums:

Guitars are all recorded in mono, I have 4 tracks:

100% L
100% R
80% L
80% R

I also hi and lo passed the guitars, and compressed the drums so its not clipping out of control anymore. After double checking, I have no clipping that I can see, nothing goes into the red area, and the only thing occupying the sub-300hz area is the kick drum, which I will sidechain with the bass, which I haven't recorded yet. Though this sounds alot better (to me, at least), the guitars still don't stand out or sound as strong as say, this guy's mix, which was also done with simamps:'s song - Mix 10.mp3

Is there anything I can do to make the guitars sound more powerful and clearer, without clipping?
Ok, I've re-recorded everything, and here is what I have so far with the guitar and drums:

Guitars are all recorded in mono, I have 4 tracks:

100% L
100% R
80% L
80% R

I also hi and lo passed the guitars, and compressed the drums so its not clipping out of control anymore. After double checking, I have no clipping that I can see, nothing goes into the red area, and the only thing occupying the sub-300hz area is the kick drum, which I will sidechain with the bass, which I haven't recorded yet. Though this sounds alot better (to me, at least), the guitars still don't stand out or sound as strong as say, this guy's mix, which was also done with simamps:'s song - Mix 10.mp3

Is there anything I can do to make the guitars sound more powerful and clearer, without clipping?

Listen to the mix that I put into your other thread, these guitars sound a lot less powerful then the original ones did. They sound very thin, really.

If you can, please record the DIs instead of using Podfarm. I've found that Podfarm is generally shit (although your other tracks did sound pretty good once they were summed to mono.)