Guitars low mids tightness

Everything mentioned above, plus:

Patience & perseverance. A lot of it comes down to developing your ear for it, and that takes time... ....and there's no getting around it.

You also might want to try doing some "incremental tests" if you've got a spare 10-14 hours handy. Try this:

1) If you've got a reamping device, record 4 takes of a 30-60 second clip.
2) Reamp these as you normally would.
3) Then, make 1 change to your setup, be it mic position, Amp EQ, Amp volume, OD pedal settings, etc, etc, etc..
4) Record this setting to new tracks
6) repeat steps 3,4 and 5 ad nauseum until your brain turns to mush.
7) Get some sleep
8) come back & evaluate the takes. It shouldn't take long to find the best one.

This method can burn up a great deal of time without it seeming so, but can be a major payoff in terms of developing your skills.
I use Vic Firth Extreme 5A


lol, not many drummers threads around here.