Scooped vs Boosted Mids - FOR METAL !? (clip)

Simon Dorn

Jun 24, 2012
here's another clip with my KK (boosted with the built in Eq (on2) and a Ts9 (Gain 2, tone 5, level 10) and the Marshall MF280B miced with a 57 ( right in the middle of the dustcab edge), panned 100% left/right and an e906, (neutral, right in the middle of the speaker) panned 9 oclock/3 oclock. I mixed the signals to taste (57 is louder)
Scooped settings are: depth 8, presence 6, Bass 7, Mids 1, treble 7, gain on 10 and the master was on 2, i think...
The middier sound settings are the same, except for presence was on 5, Bass was on 8 and mids on 5.Just a quick take.Nothing is written in stone.NEVER :)

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Something in between would be nice.:D You probably need to lower the gtrs accordingly when boosting the mids so it doesn't eat the drums that much.