Engl 4x12 std vs. pro

Lasse Lammert

HCAF Blitzkrieg
Feb 12, 2009
here it finally is....
amp was 5150 with pretty standard settings...
mic on v30 (pro) was edge of dustcap
on the v60 (std) it was about the same distance from the center (the dutcap is bigger)

as I said I like the v60 for live but for recording it sounds a bit lifeless (haha) and way too scooped, and muddy imo

of course no post-processing, no HP/LP or anything

Engl V60
Engl v30

I didn not twesk the amp for this test though, I chose a fairly standard setting on purpose...if I'd be using this Cab in a recording I'd of course dial in more mids and presence, less bass etc. (although the bass is a bit too boomy on both of these files...I know ;) )

I think this test also shows that the v30 needs way less Gain (for my tastes it's actually too much for the v30 already...bit too fizzy also....but if I'd dialed back presence and gain on the v30 to get a better tone the v60 tone would have been even worse...

these files aren't meant to be great sounding, they just give you a relative comparison with the same settings

Marcus: you don't have to say they're both wooly ;)

these files aren't meant to be great sounding, they just give you a relative comparison with the same settings.

I'll try to record some better comparison clips with Marshall, both Engls and Mesa in the next days...can't promise though, effin busy right now
haha good to know my standard cab aint useless, ive made like one recording with it and i never kept the tone....i cant record loud ya see being at home :(

i wonder if the v60 cab would work well as a blend with something else? hmmm
Those V60's give me a hard on! I really look forward to your other shootout also. It would be great to hear them in a mix too.
I will definately have to trial that cab one day with the JSX! I'd say that each cab with complimentary settings on the amp would have me chose the V60's even more than these clips have. The V30's just have too much of the fizz that grates my nerves after a while.
I tried reamping my bands tracks through an ENGL Invader with ENGL XXL cab yesterday, standard SM57 Sneap-style.

I'll not bother posting clips because I couldn't get it to sound anything better than utter shite. And that was entirely not the fault of the equipment at hand... sure put a damper on my ego. :(
Haha Kyle/Shane, so I'm not the only one loosing it... your effort still sounds better than mine did, however!

And Lasse, very cool that you finally came around to do the test, thank you!
Now that my band has moved into the rehearsal place/studio of our friends' band and we're sharing equipment, I definitely learned to like the ENGL Pro.
Could do my own comparisons between my ENGL standard and an ENGL Pro slant, straight and an XXL. Just wish I could record that stuff worth a damn...
Actually, I don't find the V30 one to be particularly wooly; maybe a TAD (Donley :D), but overall I dig it, great bite but also fullness! The V60 one on the other hand sounds super cloudy, muffled, and like mic'ing a V30 halfway between the dustcap and edge; sorry Engl, V60s can suck a dick! I have spoken :heh:
Haha Kyle/Shane, so I'm not the only one loosing it... your effort still sounds better than mine did, however!

And Lasse, very cool that you finally came around to do the test, thank you!
Now that my band has moved into the rehearsal place/studio of our friends' band and we're sharing equipment, I definitely learned to like the ENGL Pro.
Could do my own comparisons between my ENGL standard and an ENGL Pro slant, straight and an XXL. Just wish I could record that stuff worth a damn...

Ya man, Its a struggle but everyone has been pretty nice so far in trying to help me which is most appreciated, i swear i spent like 3 weeks trying to reinvent the wheel and got absolutly no where. its looking up though ive learned alot so far. Otero has been texting me some instructions as well and hopefully i will have something listenable in a couple days.
Actually, I don't find the V30 one to be particularly wooly; maybe a TAD (Donley :D), but overall I dig it, great bite but also fullness! The V60 one on the other hand sounds super cloudy, muffled, and like mic'ing a V30 halfway between the dustcap and edge; sorry Engl, V60s can suck a dick! I have spoken :heh:

yeah, I think the v60 sound really distant....a bit like recordings something from the adjacent room
really don't like the V60, it sounds nasal and muffled at the same time. a gt75 would be better
the V30 is nice and cuts well, lot's of mids, but not nasal