Top Cabinet Impulses recorded with top gear, 96 different impulses!


Alex Cappa TMF Studios
Hello guys! I´ve prepared a pack of 96 impulses, recording 7 cabinets. They all sound amazing, check the samples below!

Bogner V30 audio test: Mix.mp3
Bogner GT75 audio test: impulses test bogner t75.mp3
Orange audio test: Alex Orange 6505 poweramp.mp3
Mesa audio test: pres res max.mp3


- Bogner Ubercab 412 V30|75
- Mesa Rectifier Std 412 V30
- Mesa Adam D Inspired Technique (6"away)
- Orange PPC412 V30
- Marshall JCM900 GT75
- Marshall 1960DM V30
- Engl E412 V60
- Framus Dragon V30

The Chain

- RME interface
- SSL converter
- API 3124
- Neve 1073

Amp Settings

-Peavey 6505+ power amp with Presence set at 5 Res 8
-Peavey 6505+ power amp with Presence set at 8 Res 8
-Peavey 6505+ power amp with Presence set at 10 Res 10
-Mesa Single Rectifier power amp

Mic Possitions

-Shure SM 57 on axis
-Shure SM 57 off axis at 45º (fredman)
-Sennheiser MD421 II aiming the dustcap
-AKG 414 aiming between the center of the cone and the edge of the speaker.

As a especial offer, it´s only 17,95€ for the whole pack entering METALFACTORY when buying!
I LURBBBBBBB these impulses. definitely the most SATISFYING of all the libraries I've tried, besides the (before now) ultimate impulse, Harvey's awesometime fredman. Everything seems to pale in comparison to those.


BTW, you're drum samples are OUTTA CONTROL BRO!!!!! Awesome fucking job!!!!!!!

I LURBBBBBBB these impulses. definitely the most SATISFYING of all the libraries I've tried, besides the (before now) ultimate impulse, Harvey's awesometime fredman. Everything seems to pale in comparison to those.


BTW, you're drum samples are OUTTA CONTROL BRO!!!!! Awesome fucking job!!!!!!!


Thanks a lot for your support Charles! We both took great advantage having one shot snares and TMF Drums, it´s like perfect combo!

By the way I will be beta testing two more cabs Engl 412 standar and Framus Dragon 412, I will post some clips soon !!
Bought the Bogner cab a few days ago, just gave it a quick try - I have to say I really like these impulses! The mic combinations are very cool. Good purchase!
Bought the Bogner cab a few days ago, just gave it a quick try - I have to say I really like these impulses! The mic combinations are very cool. Good purchase!

Try blending the t75 md421 with the marshall v30 sm57 one, my favorite combination. Actually that first impulse sounds meh on it's own, but blended with any "in your face" impulse really shines!
Try blending the t75 md421 with the marshall v30 sm57 one, my favorite combination. Actually that first impulse sounds meh on it's own, but blended with any "in your face" impulse really shines!

Thanks man! I don't have the Marshall cab but I may consider getting the other cabs as well.

For the Bogner, I really like the on-axis 57 with a good bit of AKG 414 dustcap and MD421 dustcap mixed in (all V30).
Wait for that man! I´m releasing two more cabs real soon!

Thanks for the heads up! I'll check out the others on the weekend!

Oh and I just saw you're adding a framus dragon cab - that's one of my favourite cabs actually, had one for 10 years or so now.