if this was my mix and my concern, i'd give a little more of an eq bump to the bass guitar right around 80-100, maybe only like a decibel or two. wouldn't change anything else. would be nice to hear it without the mp3 compression though
Just my personal preference, but I'd take the bass down a notch or two on your second mix, the bass player will think you've a thing for him! Lol!
Defo sounding better than the first one though, more balls!
Yup, I think the bass is a bit loud now, too! Is anything muddy or something... I want this to be as good sounding as I can get it... I have a few days left, SO LET ME KNOW
Overall, much better - but yeah, the guitars are a bit thin alright. Normally I'd say that the bass would fill the gap nicely but in this particular instance, I just can't put my finger on it. Perhaps EQ the guitars a bit differently? Sorry I can't help any more dude.
the bass has some really ugly pick/finger sounds around 900 hz and 3 k , id scoop that. (can cleary hear that on headphones).
id like more kick (low end and attack). also the sssses of the singer are kind of painful here and there.
but overall it fits the music! wouldnt change anyhting except these 3 things.
I think it´s not that hard to get your guitars right. A dip around 1k, a boost around 150, and some notch at 2k could do the trick. You could even fix it at mastering stage. Here´s an example... Just a thought.
Thanks for taking your time, I'm on cans right now, so I can't really judge it. Instead of boosting, I will put some low end back into the guitars. Will try the 2k notch.