Guitars without boost

To be honest, I think I'm so used to listen-mic rhythm guitars with a ts in front, that it feels a bit weird when I listen them without boost, although I can't remember when it was the last time I recorded standard tuning guitars...
Totally depends on the player/guitar/amp. Some of my amps sound better without a boost as they're tight enough already but a player with sloppy technique might need all the tightness they can get.
I personally can't play without a boost. The tone even recorded isn't bold enough. I have odd boost settings in that I usually keep the rive extremely low, 99.9% of the time being all the way down. If I were in E and the tone was too tight/lacked warmth, there is a thing called the tone knob. In E which I almost never play, the tone would be in the 9-10 o'clock position. I mostly however play in D/Drop C for hardrock stuff and Drop B for metal so the tone comes up to taste. Withe the gain I have noticed that as you turn it up you can get a sharper attack but with added noise from the pedal.
It always depends on the player/amp and the sound that you want.
90% i record without a boost
peavey 3120 for example works fantastic for me without one
It definitely has to be the right amp, but amps that can stand their own without a boost always pull off my favourite tones. I can even run my 7 string through my 6534+ without a boost, it sounds so raw and punchy I wouldn't dream of diluting that with a boost. Some amps, though, just sound better with a boost, or they literally cannot cut it without one.
I used to play in D Standard with a boost in front of my 5150 no matter what. Since joining a band that is in standard tuning with more melodic lines and less power chords/chugga-chugga, I have enjoyed my 5150 without a boost more than I have with the boost.

I think it's all a matter of what type of riffs are being played more than the tuning to be honest. It seems to me like riffs that use mainly power chords and chugs love to be boosted, while melodic lines sound nicer without the boost.
It really depends on the style your doing. I love Tool's Aenima and the tone of the Load/Reload albums and there is no way a tube screamer is going to help there. While I like how it cleans up the bottom end I don't like what it does to the mids. That's just what I like though, if the albums you like were recorded with the boost chances are you should boost. I think it steals a little bit of the amp's character which may or may not be a good thing for whatever style you are doing.

What style are you doing?
It always depends on the player/amp and the sound that you want.
90% i record without a boost
peavey 3120 for example works fantastic for me without one

It definitely has to be the right amp, but amps that can stand their own without a boost always pull off my favourite tones. I can even run my 7 string through my 6534+ without a boost, it sounds so raw and punchy I wouldn't dream of diluting that with a boost. Some amps, though, just sound better with a boost, or they literally cannot cut it without one.

D tuned here. No boost in front of my Engl Savage.
Engl amps and boosters are not good friends.

I don't like a boost in standard, always sounds a bit too flat and lifeless.

Interesting, cheers for the feedback guys! :dopey:
Boost leads. The pickups I use are tuned for tighter bass and just scream when boosted, too much so. Neck pickups, however, I like them very loose and open. Those lower output neck pickups need a bit of juice in most occasions.
My Triple Recto and Valvestate 8200 NEED a boost to sound good distorted, but the 5150 and JVM are useable without a boost. It depends on the amp and style of music.
Latest recording i did without a boost
7-String Ibanez RG1527-Seymour duncan blackouts.standard B tuning
peavey 3120
1080 for HQ
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