Guys, help me out with a mix, please


Hearing sounds and voices
I'm recording a debut album with my band and would like to ask for some feedback. Here are two full songs:

It will be professionally mastered, but I'm handling the mixing and will welcome any constructive criticism. I'm keeping the master bus clean apart from some limiting for rendering purposes so it's not too quiet.

I'm particularly interested in any suggestions as to how to better glue bass and guitars and possibly make the guitars some a tad better.

Thanks in advance!
Vocals are super loud, dry and aren't compressed enough in my opinion. Worst part of these mixes.
Rhythm guitars are a little quiet, start with that. I'm liking the tone of the guitars as they are really, but I think the right track appears to be slightly louder. Even when they're playing the same thing it always feels like the right track is the most present one.
Pretty nice mix besides these thoughts, I didn't hear any big problems between the bass and guitars.
Oh and there's some obvious fade outs, try longer fade times instead.
Thank you! Yeah, I'm kind of having problems balancing guitars and vocals, on my Adams A7 the guitars do not seem very present, but on my Sennheiser HD580s they are much more present (and it seems to be vice versa with vocals :)). I'll post an updated mix later today.

BTW I had the same impression of the right track being slightly louder, but I checked RMS levels and they were more or less equal, so I thought I must be going deaf on my right ear :D I guess it has to be frequency dependent. I'll look into that as well.
The general sound is not bad, yet vox seem to upfront squishing the hell out of it might not work, bringing guitars up might fill the gap, you can go about this with better eq dessicions,saturation or parrarell guitars, try each and see what works