Guys in touring Bands (UK/Europe)

Lasse Lammert

HCAF Blitzkrieg
Feb 12, 2009
We (Killfloor Mechanic) were supposed to go on UK tour in May...unfortunately that doesn't happen now (main band pulled out)....
so here we are, everyone took time off work, we arranged a camper van, I managed to get the backline from my endorsement partners, freshly released album (by then) etc...but no tour.

does anyone here happen to be on tour in the second half of May and need a motivated support that can also supply backline and travel in their own van?
It doesn't have to be anything huge, we just wanna play, now that everything was organised-
If you have a band, or know of a touring band.....
Hit me up!

I'd get in contact with some agents dude. ITB and the Agency is where I'd start. Sounds like a great deal you're offering, maybe they'd see it the same way.
Lasse, if you decide to do that ^ please let us know if it worked out. I'd be surprised if it did tbh because if a working backline would be everything to get you on tour there'd be more bands out there touring.

Don't get me wrong, I you and your guys are not every other band and I'm sure your attitude and everything is probably more professional than those of a lot of touring acts out there but still I don't think that'll be enough to get you there. Most of the times the main acts will provide backline so they can charge the supports for it so... :-(