

New Metal Member
Oct 10, 2001
southernmost voyage
Tomorrow I'm going to Piteå to start my new life as a sound engineer-studyin', own apartment-livin' cooldude! First I'll spend three nights at a riding club :eek: 'cause I don't have access to my apartment until the 19th, and then I move into my new Apartment of Awesomeness! Expect me to not have Internet access for a couple of weeks or so... Woo! Time to pack up my shit...
Ya, it's a riding club that lies close to the school, and apparently they realized that they could make some extra money by opening a small youth hostel in the club... So that worked out nicely considering it's cheaper than the regular youth hostel, which was fully booked anyway.
happy traaaaaaaaails to youuuuuu(s)
we meet (on the internet)

own apartment ... in school ... you gonna get laid like crazy boooouuuuyyyyy !!! :kickass: :loco:

good luck with the new life Erik !!!
I started my law-studyin' career today, the first couple of weeks are just drinking, socializing etc etc, I drank a lot of free beer/champagne/acevit (dunno how it's spelled) and "booze yellow" :\ About 75% of the students are girls, and hot girls too, I think I can live with five years of this :p