
Good luck! Make lots of new frenemies. Own apartment means staying up all night and bringing over who ever you wish.
Henrik Main said:
I started my law-studyin' career today, the first couple of weeks are just drinking, socializing etc etc, I drank a lot of free beer/champagne/acevit (dunno how it's spelled) and "booze yellow" :\ About 75% of the students are girls, and hot girls too, I think I can live with five years of this :p

A friend of mine studied law for one and a half semester and then gave it up out of boredom and lack of interest, and to start he was enthusiastic about it. Anyway, "law studies" seems to be so immensly uninteresting and boring that it almost gives me goose bumps.

Good luck to you anyway :wave:
Yeah, I know of all those stories. I don't care, I've had law for two years at school already, and I like it. I was also very good at it, so why not. Thanks though :p
What the fuck, Mac OS X sucks shit.

Status: I'm currently at MUSIKHÖGSKOLAN PITEÅ, moving into my apartment this evening. Things are cool so far, except this FUCKING MACINTOSH NEEDS TO FUCKING DIE RIGHT THE FUCK NOW and I don't have fucking money to buy lunch. Anyway, woo, the ap'tment is fucking cool, pics later.

Christ Safari is such a useless shit browser

In about 20 minutes I'm going to do some shit, I dunno, the real classes haven't really started yet. Just killing some time now see. BYE
Hey there!

I've moved into my apartment blah blah blah. IT IS REALLY COOL AND I LOVE IT

I'm going to try and maybe get Internet access today, we'll see about that, either way I am going to unpack all my junk and so forth!

I have eaten a nutritious lunch consisting of spaghetti, ketchup and a raw carrot. Hooray. Post post post. I have nothing else to do than to continuously update this thread with my adventurez, so here you go.
pix plz erik

my week has been busy as heck too, with free drinks every night and pub-to-pub-marathons. the girls are hot and so's the weather, things are really great and I win at life. applause for erik and yours truly for being so utterly successful at life plz
I am sooooo jealous of the countless hundreds of hours you will be pouring over boring books and lawtexts Henrik.