here i talk about the relationship issues of my roommates and ask for advice

No, and I wish Toby had not brought a value judgment into an unrelated argument. :)

The problem is that the "prior arrangment"--their old apartment--is gone, with the eviction. I think L is really upset that her hospitality was taken advantage of, because the only option that seems available anymore is letting D move in with her, unless they move AGAIN into a three-bedroom. They should've found a 3-bedroom from the start, no doubt...
i dont get why is roommates are being assholes. he is paying rent there right? and is hardly there to annoy them, take up space, be stinky, take too much time in the bathroom, leave dirty dishes... or whatever? tell them to stop crying. and let the girl be a bitch.

she's right.
Well, he is kind of paying rent. The band of which he is a member pays for the rent, but since the drummer lives apart with his girlfriend and gets rent money from the band account, I think he should either have his own room or receive a share of cash (although I think he does receive money, though I don't know how much).

That's what L says--"Why aren't they more grateful he stays over here all the time instead of taking up space there?"

so preppy, you think she should force them to find a 3-bedroom and go through the trouble of moving, even though he won't be there? that's what i suggested to her, but it just seems so spiteful to me--there must be a better way...

tonight I'm going to ask her what her opposition is to D moving in with us. if it's just to spite his bandmates, that's lame, but she may have a genuine & legitimate reason, even if it's just "I'm not ready".
i think they should at least clear a really decent out of the way spot in their now existing 2 bedroom for his stuff, and shut their freakin mouths about it. you can't, obviously, force people to get another apartment. but i mean, ethically, i would say, after deliberation, that their moving would be the most 'friend devoted' and most fair thing to do. fair of course does not imply equal.
Yeah, I really think the guitarist should move his bar out of his giant bedroom and let D set his stuff up there (since their common room and kitchen are too small...they can't even fit a couch in their common room).

Goatschool--what's your issue with Dan Savage's advice? i think he's basically a god in terms of logical and fair relationship advice.
oh and also, if the girl just doesnt want him to live with you guys because she wants to punish his bandmates, then she's passive aggressive and should rather just send them a christmas card that says HI I HATE YOU and get it over with since it's way more cool. otherwise, she has a right to totally not want him there. guys can get in a girl's way you know?