Well, I'm really from the Charlottesville area - I'm just in Richmond for college. Right now I'm living just off the VCU campus, kinda near the Fan. How long ago did you live here?

I lived in that area from 96-03, and that was like my third time living there. I lived there in '94-95, and prior to that, (in Prince George county) from 83-88. The fan is a place that we used to go to drink, for sure. We'd go to Nancy-Ray-Gun, or whatever it is now (it was actually something different when we went there, but I can't recall the name), It used to be something totally different. Is Rocket Queen still playing there? They were cool as fuck.
Haven't been to Nanci Raygun, I'm afraid. I don't get out nearly enough here. I did go to a local metal show once at a place called Nara on Main Street. It was decent.

Once I get out of college, and actually have some money, I'll probly start hitting the bars and clubs more often.
What I love about this band is could be the longest phyical band in history. I saw an interview with them once and one of the member said,"Gwar could live forever." I guess, as long as they find members that can sing, play and fit the customs! Pretty wild concept.

Oh, and "This toilet Earth" is a great album. love Saddam a go-go.
America Must Be Destroyed is actually a decent effort. Check out the song "The Road Behind" and the title track.