Gwynbleidd - debut album update


Trapped in hated logic
Feb 10, 2002
For the interested, a quick update on our upcoming debut full length album Nostalgia:

The album is mixed, the artwork is in, and the mastering session is taking place next week here in New York City. The album is thus tentatively scheduled for a late January release through newly formed BlackCurrant Music label - it's the final stretch! More info will follow soon, as well as new sounds, new merch, a pre-order page...

There will be a free release party in New York City confirmed soon - hope you can join us celebrate this, now, 6 year old undertaking. We are also now booking dates for an east coast tour - it's time hit the road a bit. Some dates are already posted, but more will be added in the coming weeks. Until then, check back for updates - Nostalgia is almost here.
im actually looking forward to this. i listen to the ep quite a bit. come to houston and ill buy you a beer

un-officially still, the date is Jan 22nd @ Lit Lounge. I'll definitely post a new thread here when things firm up (within the next week or two). We'll have the CDs real cheap for anyone who comes in.. I'm expecting a pretty sweet turnout, we have already around 150 names on our invitee list. If anyone would like to be added to the list please PM me your email address.