H.R. Giger cover art . . .

Nate The Great

What would Nathan do?
May 10, 2002
My Celtic Frost thread made me think of this.

What album covers can you think of that were designed by H.R. Giger? If you don't know who H.R. Giger is . . . he is the artist that designed the Aliens in the movies Alien and Species.

Here's some covers I thought of:

Carcass - Heartwork
Danzig - III: How the Gods Kill
Celtic Frost - I'm not sure which one, but I know he did one.
ELP - see story below

*Funny story. Once when I was a young lad, I bought an Emerson, Lake, and Palmer album just becaue it had an awesom H.R. Giger cover. So I figured it must be sort of along the lines of Deep Purple or Led Zepplin. WRONG! It was total 70's prog keyboard music. That's probably why I didn't buy the Celtic Frost album with the Giger cover (since I knew nothing about them). I learned not to judge a CD by its cover, I guess.:loco:
the guy who does the Scald covers is definitely influenced by Giger's work. I like that kind of stuff, very cryptic, yet it has a fascinating simplicity to it.
Carcass - Heartwork
Danzig - III: How the Gods Kill
ELP - Brain Salad Surgery

Those are the only ones I know, the Carcass and Danzig covers made me a huge Giger fan. And ELP rules!!! :grin:

I've always loved this one.