
Sep 4, 2002
Without the Darkness
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One of the sweetest words/phrases ever to ring through my childhood and teenage years.

It cries out of battle, frustration and ultimate arse kicking!

It is the yell of Street Fighter 2 and the glorious fireball that Ryu and Ken launched against their opponents.

and now, 18 years after I first played the original with my best mate Ben, I know have my hands on Street Fighter 4.
Which, for all intents and purposes, is basically Street Fighter 2 but with extra characters from the other game franchises plus 4 original characters made for the console version.

It was meant to be released this coming friday but, as usual, a couple of stores broke the street date (the time a store is allow to sell it from) so every other store had to break it too -which works out well for all of us whom have been waiting so so long to get our greasy hands on it.
I got the Collector's Edition Playstation 3 version, that comes with little figures, a bonus anime (yet to watch), an art/hint book for the new characters andcodes for extra uniforms for some characters (which would normally cost you a bit on download).

I've played a little of the game so far but it greatly reminds me of the original arcade experience of growing up.
Mainly because I set it to receive any challenges from online players and so far had 2 battles interrupt my game. One I lost, the 2nd I won.
So, it should be a good game to play and especially for my nostaligia tripping. More so when Ben comes to visit and we can whup each other like we used to.

I've played the original Street Fighter 2 and all the other version that came after a lot, even owning SF2: Champion Edition on the Super Nintendo, so at first I thought this was a bad step back for the franchise. Reverting back to the original line-up and story but adding in characters popular from Super Street Fighter 2 and the SF: Alpha series. But to my surprise it actually works.
the graphics have this lovely hand drawn quality to them, similar to the other Capcom game Okami and it plays in a challenging yet accessable way (unlike SF3 which was super technical). The new characters are all interesting -especially the fatso Rufus who is actually an incredibly agile and flexible fighter- and the older fighters play like I remember but with more combos and flow then before.

My main compliant so far is the control is lacking with the PS3 controller.
Moves feel hard to perform sometimes, especially trying to do them fast, and sometimes you move when you don't want to.
Street Figher has always been a franchise where you need an arcade stick for and this one no exception. So I think that I will be buying one when I find which model is the best to get.

But really liking it and with the addition of online play, think I will get a lot out of it that I hadn't experienced in the SF franchise before.

for those who want to challenge me online my PS3 screen name The-Shadow298, so add me as a friend or find me online.