Had a thought .... and no it didnt hurt :p


Chef Metal
Jun 4, 2002
The Metal Kitchen
When you sign up for the premuim membership you can get a bit of web space and I was thinkin we should use mine for some kind of neat UMOS members type page if ya get my drift .... its a kinda cool Idea and since the space is available we should use it! What do Y'all think? any Ideas? Does it sound cool? :cool: or does it sound crazy? :loco:
You can devoted to that charming girl Pabla... you know... the one with the great music taste :p

J/K I think it's a great idea! Go Johny go! :wave:
JonnyD said:
Well you are Charming! ... so maybe we can squeeze you in somewhere :loco:

Yeah squeezing her will be neat :p

You can devote the space to the relationship between metal and baldness :lol:

I am pretty amateur at webdesign, but if I can help count me in. So far this is the crap I made:
