Pulling a channel from a console and using it alone- Info?


Jun 13, 2007
How hard is it to pull a channel from a console and make it work alone?

I've a huge Hill Audio desk- 32 channels, 12 auxes, 8 busses, 8 returns. And while it looks great and I think the pre's are cool and the EQ is decent I don't see myself fully intergrating it into my mixing. I'd like to be able to use this stuff more when tracking but it's very akward and since I don't record drums in the place we have it in I'm missing out. I'm upgrading my interface very soon so using outboard pre's is alot more on the cards.

What does it take to pull some channels out and get them set up as standalone channel strips? What kind of cost would it run? I'd be looking at doing maybe 4, but if the cost wasn't insane maybe do another four down the line.
I have definitely seen it done. Happens a lot with Neve's and other big consoles because you could often buy the replacement parts for the consoles cheaper than the console. Also as bigger studios are downsizing or "upgrading" they want to keep some of that sound.

Essentially it boils down to power supply and chassis.

Most are based around +18,-18 power supplies +48V for phantom power. Those are pretty common and you can probably even find one prebuilt for say $80-$100. But there are schematics all over and DIY you are looking at like $25-$40 for the transformer and abut $10 in other parts. Then for a chassis, you are probably looking at $60 on the cheap to $150 depending on the number of U's. Then the labor of cutting everything and building the power supply.

Probably just build a one bigger power supply to handle 8-10. Then add the extra as needed.

It would be easier if each strip has their own faceplate and everything, then you just need a square. But if not, it could be a pain and will probably look ugly without spending some money on the chassis. It would have to be something pretty cool to be worth it.
After looking into it a bit more and they call it "racking" a channel strip or module.

Seems it's very dependant on the way the desk was built and can get very expensive and take alot of time. I'll just leave it as-is for now. The pres/eq aren't mightn't be good enough to warrant putting 400-500€ into getting 4-8 of them when they're probably only gonna be decent and not amazing.

It's a shame as I'd like to use the pres/eq for stuff other than tracking guitars. 32 channels and I only use 2 of them!

Here's a pic for anyone interested
That's a sexy desk! There was a thread about the Hill consoles a while back, some nice info there: http://www.gearslutz.com/board/so-m...lm-hill-hill-audio-consoles-any-opinions.html

If I were you I'd refurbish it and either find some use for it or store it away properly. Old workhorse desks are getting a rarity because everyone parts them away or lets them rot unattended in a damp warehouse in the middle Arsebackinsborough.
is there no direct outs on the desk or insert points on each channel . ive heard of people wiring a cable to use the output part of the insert point

Yeah it has both direct outs and insert send and return on each channel. I've been using the direct outs for tracking but since I do drum recording elsewhere I only ever use 2 maybe 3 channels for recording guitar cabs.

It'd be nice to refurb it, get the first 8 channels re-capped and work from there to getting it up to full perfect working order. There's a few dead channels, but 27 of them work fine. Thing is I co-own the desk so I'm not gonna go pouring a few hundred euro into it and then the other guy not doing anything and still laying claim to it if one of us moves out!

Had it for a year now and only actually made proper use out if a few times. I'm getting a Fireface 800 in a few weeks time so I'll probably start using it alot more with the better conversion hence the renewed interest in getting work done on it.

It's a Hill Concept 4400 btw. Seems like the pre's are of a fairly high caliber according to that gearslutz thread.
you are right to Keep it as a desk, im building an "mini" if you can call 24 channels mini, SSL 5000 out of modules and it has taken me over 3 years and a lot of money so far and im still nowhere near done, but some of the spare line modules with filers and EQ's i have racked and its a lot of hard work.
Racking modules consumes all of your time and a darn lot of money, plus you need a full set of schematics and circuit diagrams down to component level, if you have access to that documentation.