Had to share these few pics with you

Andy Sneap said:
Frank, you need to order some, they delivered to Australia once. The have disclaimers on the menu. I tell you, I've eaten the hottest shit around the world for shits and giggles but this actually fucked me up big time. It definately messes with your nerves, I couldn't stand up for about 15 minutes and there was an air of concern in the resturant. Not to mention the air later........

OK, that make's me curious. I'll order some of the dishes. No joke!!! :loco:
Nitronium, I'm telling you this is in a different league, I also thought I was man enough for this dish but I kid you not, it is lethal. You get a diploma if you finish it, Frank, get the curry hell just for fun, do it.
Andy Sneap said:
I don't know if any of you remember the semi legendary curry challenge that took place last year between Adam D of Killswitch and myself when mixing their album last year. This resulted in a trip to Rupalis in Newcastle when I was served a diet of Plutonium and CS Gas in liquid form.

After loosing control of my legs and being in a very bad way, I brought back a couple of portions, which James from cradle took to with no prior warning.




:tickled: :rock:

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I've not seen those pictures of me before, fuck man, it was the hottest thing ever, well and truly vanquished by heat :p