haha alexis bum


Oct 6, 2010
cheshire, uk
watch this you see his butt naked :D would love to hang out with these guys for a day would be such a laugh!!

its so funny.. sorry for bad quality...

EDITED: changed title to something more appropriate as some people dont have a sense of humour - darkdreamer x
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You have never seen an ass before?

And I don't think that it even is Alexi.
I only assume it is Roope because there are Roope clips before that one and unlike Alexi that guy has no tattoos
Are you old enough to drink? because 11 aint a good age to start with.
These guys also like Alexi's bum and would like to join your conversation

25... jus slightly obsessive over alexi lol


This post gave me cancer.

But seriously, your obession over a celebrity's ass, your inability to write properly, your shitty sense of humor and your usage of word "lol" indicate that you can't be older than 13.