haha, anyone up to flame someone ( trust me: is worth it )


Latin, NOT Mexican.
Oct 11, 2001
My House.
go here

here is an example of what he said

In Flames, Dark Tranquillity, Soilwork, Arch Enemy
I think it’s the worst kind of music ever created.
Horrible synthetic melodies (not good enough for MTV) mixed with poor quality growls served in 4 minute pieces. Not even the slightest sign of a good taste, composition or art.

Misanthrope ( standing in the dividing line of spaming )
this is high treason, because you actually linked to a thread on the dreaded opeth board from here. :p you're lucky it wasn't the off-topic section. :tickled:

well, i might as well join in and say a few words, but it's not that funny: basically it's your typical guy thinking his tastes in music are absolute truths... *shrugs*

you dont get it, if history is to repeat itself, the entire forum will agree with part of that post because everyone there hates at least 1 of the four bands mentioned. and even if they dont they would keep their "opeth is on another level " crap.
just because that particular opeth fan boy is very retarded, but trust me most of them are at least as retarded, they are just more careful.
Exactly. I know from personal experience.
true, true.
what i observed in my former time on the opeth board was quite funny: everyone thought of himself as the most intelligent and wise person on the whole planet, but all the way they were walking alongside with what an ethereal being named "papa opeth" had to say (which was not all too dumb, i must say). sure, there may have been exceptions, but if you did scratch on the surface, they basically were all the same with their elitist behaviour. being kind of an opeth "fan" myself (what's a fan, actually?), i can understand their arguments about good songwriting ans such, but i cannot realize how they just seem to shut themselves of from all other musicial influences. it's just desolate.
i used to spend my online time here at first because of the people, having only heard some mp3s and projector a couple of times. but as the people exchange advices and tastes, i somehow got into dt and other bands and now really appreciate their music. and that is one thing the opeth forum totally lacks: open-mindedness and tolerance.
i personally don't give a flying fuck about what some guy over there has to say about bands i like, may it be as stupid as it might get.
Originally posted by Thanatos
that particular thread is very retarded

I think that is most threads on that board.
Did you see Wanderingblades posts, holy shit, that man said everything I have wanted to but haven't found the words for, it was beautiful man, just pure poetry :cry:

Salmy (forming Wanderingblade fan club)
Originally posted by Salamurhaaja
I think that is most threads on that board.
Did you see Wanderingblades posts, holy shit, that man said everything I have wanted to but haven't found the words for, it was beautiful man, just pure poetry :cry:

Salmy (forming Wanderingblade fan club)

*Joins fanclub*
It's more satisfying just to troll the hell out of that place though, but somebody has to make reasonble arguments :loco: I respect his discipline.
Originally posted by VultureCulture

what i observed in my former time on the opeth board was quite funny: everyone thought of himself as the most intelligent and wise person on the whole planet,
it's true, that's why i stopped posting on Opeth board...
Opeth's pretty cool, but I have noticed their fans are a little, uhm.. "uptight"

same goes for Dream Theater, except Dream Theater fucking reeks.