haha, anyone up to flame someone ( trust me: is worth it )

i'm glad that on this board we're allright without having to spend minutes of the day standing on our heads. let's remember this dire fate whenever we feel like bitching amongst ourselves. :lol:

i disagree. if we overdo this regularly, they someday send a division of their dumbest members to flood THIS forum, and that's a thing i would not like to see. so better keep it as civil as possible, and let them die in ignorance :)
well, since nobody replied on the point on the opeth board i'm gonna post it here where you'll all be forced to reply since you don't want to displease the authorities :lol: : do you think extensive desolation is a trollish non-opeth fan just aiming to see flames?

of course i didn't read the beginning of the thread and i didn't realize "extensive desolation" was a nickname. i was wondering if rahve's next to last post was about the meaning of life or something akin to that. :lol:

Originally posted by rahvin
well, since nobody replied on the point on the opeth board i'm gonna post it here where you'll all be forced to reply since you don't want to displease the authorities :lol: : do you think extensive desolation is a trollish non-opeth fan just aiming to see flames?


Well i will answer you with this: while i am not him, i certainly would do it.