haha, fuck FartO)))

Krilons Resa

Jerry's married?!
Nov 7, 2002
Inside dorian's gym bag.
from sr.com....

extremely longwinded. i'm sure there's more, but i try not to think about the past, and only work in the future stuff..

ok, so i booked sunn and boris, of which i wanted boris, and sunn i never really got into, which is ok, i figured someone would at least like it. sunn wanted to play last for some unknown reason (in hindsight, i think that was good, as they are probably the best room clearers in the business). so anyways, after much haggling with their agent, of whom was worried about parking and that other stuff for some reason (i told her we knew what we were doing, and could accomodate).

so anyways they get into town at maybe 6 or 7 pm, go their hotel rooms (of which i paid for), and call me to ask about when their set was, which i specified. they showed up during weedeater's set, and loaded in. we had to move some stuff around on stage to accomodate, of which we did. i didn't speak with boris at all (i don't believe any of them spoke english),the only people from the sunn i dealt with were: randall (sound), mark deutrom (bass (from melvins..)), greg anderson (of which i really didn't talk to..), and Steve O' Malley, and angela means (agent).

so, i had warned sunn that we had hurried up and run ahead of schedule so we could fit full sets in for boris/sunn. we got everything set up, and got boris up with time for full sets from both. boris played their alotted 60 minutes.

sunn screwed around for quite some time, and 3 members of the band (mark, greg, and steve) specified no vocal mic. so before we start, randall says, where's the vocal mic, i specifed that the band told me not to have one on stage, he said "don't listen to the band" so i procured a vocal mic, and had to find a line to put it on, in all the fog...(of course they never used the vocal mic, it seemed i was being played.). by the time sunn was up, i told them they had 45 minutes. they seemed to disregard this (as some bands seem to do...) - so when there's about 10 minutes left, i warn the sound guy that they have to be done, he says "i think they're aware of that, they're really cooking through the set, they're on song 4 already" to which i reply, "hmm, i thought they were on song 2", yes i made a joke. whatever. anyways, after their set, i immediately paid them, and shook both steven o'malley's , and greg anderson's hand, and said thanks. while i'm shaking steven o'malley's hand, he asks what i thought, and i told him "it's not my cup of tea" (usually i am quite a bit more blunt, but hell, i figured it was all over, and i was happy. anyways, steve o'malley upon responmse to my coment decides to be tough guy and keeps ahold of my hand and kind gives it a squeeze, like you know? whatever, i thought that was funny, like this dudes tough or something. whatever. so they start loading gear out after everyone is gone, and steven o'malley throws a monitor (yes one of the big monitors from stage), i don't know why he did it, but it looked to me like a random act of vandalism. i asked him why he did it, asked him what kind of person would do such a thing, and proceeded to speak my mind (yes there were other band members there that witnessed this whole thing..). i told him i thought he was an asshole, retarded, and that he surely understood gear was expensive. he still said nothing, like whatever, it's not my gear getting damaged. i told him to load his shit out and get out. i was pissed and felt like damaging some of their shit out of spite, which i did not, because i'm not like that. anyways, another member of band tries to smooth it over, saying "he's a drunk, and blacks out, it's not his fault, we've been dealing with this the whole tour" i said i don't give a fuck if he's a drunk, that's no fucking excuse. this whole time steven had scurried away knowing full well that if he continued to attempt to talk with me i would most likely beat him to death. now i'm a nice guy, and rarely do anything violent unless it needs to be done, i do own a bar for christsake, and have done my share of ejecting/damaging people that had earned it, and actually if i do say so myself i am quite good at it. anyways, the whole band treats me like an asshole for something they did, and proceeded to act like rockstars, asking people to help them load out, and then yelling at the loaders (both loaders told them to fuck off after they got yelled at, and refused to move any more of thier shit). their agent then tries to smooth things over, by avoiding the subject, and saying all kinds a things about how great the band is and etc., but she also said "they're my boys, and i need to protect them" whatever. she also made the mc5 comment, which was hilarious, i could not believe someone was that delusional. she also commented on how they did 800 people in chicago, and sold out the wexner (which they did not, only a small portion of it, apparently it resizes for shows (like 9:30 club does..). dixie dave went over and spoke with them, he said he asked them "what did you do to piss off the nicest guy i know". i don't think he got any response. i have talked to some other people that spoke with them, and they said they had attitudes and whatever, even at other shows.

i paid them in full, even with meal buyouts, gave them 6 bottles of wine, and was accomodating.

so here's the sunn/boris tally

6 double rooms
6 bottles of wine
$3000.00 + $120.00 meal buyouts
1 quiet room for baby to stay while boris plays
(they also stole several bottles of champagne out of my rerigerator when they were changing..i hope they didn't take anything else, it's hard to tell..)

i hope to god boris gets at least half the money (i don't know how they split it up)

yes, once again i learned my lessons.

a: assholes have no respect for other peoples shit.
b: sunn0))) are assholes
c: never believe the hype
d: steve o'malley is a cocksucker
e: i can't really judge the rest of the band/crew, but they offered no apologies, so i can only assume this is par for the course, or they're assholes.
f: one asshole in a band makes the entire band assholes, bands function as one, not as indivduals. most bands know this.
g: sunn0))) is boring as fuck live, and are not really very loud. and the guitar tone is not that great. and it's not music, it might be art, but not very good art. we've all seen better performance art at the local coffee shop, sunn is just living off of reputation and a buncha cash into amps/cabinets. i'm sure 99% of the people here could do something much better with the same resources.

anyways, i was in an excellent mood until they pulled all the rockstar shit. and hope everyone else had an enjoyable weekend, i know i did, and was really happy to see old friends, and meet new people.

i'm sure there' more but i can't remember..oh, and by the way today marks about 60 days of sobriety for me, which is definitely weird...not a single drop of alcohol, not bad if i do say so myself.
I did read an interview where Greg and Steve said they never play sober live. Sounds like a pretty shitty thing to do, but who knows. He obviously has some hearing problems or there sound sucked if he didnt think they were loud. They are twice as loud as Manowar live.
What iced it for me was when he slapped that band's demo CD off his road case like he was annoyed that a band would even want to try to slip him their demo. Nevermind that it flew in our direction. What got me was that some band had left that there because they obviously look up to him, and he didn't even have the class to discreetly toss it in the trash somewhere. He had to make a big production out of it, and came closer than he reallizes to getting his fuckin' ass kicked. What a jagoff.

yeah no way the Wex was sold out, let's see if I can describe what the Wex calls "the performance space."

The Theatre is actually quite swanky, a large stage, with ascending rows of seats before it. I'm no good at estimates but I'd guess the theatre as a whold seats several thousand. there is also a large upper balcony which was cordoned off.

What they did was, at one end of the stage they set up a smaller stage facing across the larger stage width. Then there was a large theatre curtain across the front of the stage, so that essentially the bands played for the stage area only.

now it could be that with this setup the Wex considers a sellout to be the maximum people allowed on the stage; to that criteria, yes, it was packed.

during Boris' set, the outer theatre was empty of people just sitting in the comfy seats. During Sunn0 there were a couple of dozen people who either couldn't take the extreme volume or were more likely bored.

I guesstimate there were maybe 5-600 people there.
I will be interviewing Steve soon, might get some clue as to what he's really like... that's the aim anyway.
Meh, cracks me up when I hear stories of attitude coming from these underground bands who make $12,000 a year. Music is a strange business. In the "real" world, business people must be professional or their product is marked for ever. In music, word of assholeness rarely gets out. Cheers for this dude for calling out some apparent dickheads.
that's a fuckload of no-content text to say "hey steve o'malley threw one of my monitors"

bunch of fucking drama for no good reason
I don't know wheather a word of that first post is true or not, but I've talked with Greg Anderson on the phone for like 1.5 hours for an interview. He is VERY cool and COMPLETELY nice. I've talked with Stephen O'Malley through email, and I thought he was VERY interesting and VERY nice as well. James Plotkin (Stephen's bud in Khanate) was my favorite of the bunch, though.

When I talked to Greg Anderson on the phone Sunn0))) was barely getting any press. He said the whole thing was simply taking what Earth did to an even further extreme. He said they wanted to be completely high because it was fun to feel the sound waves going through their bodies. Sunn0))) has grown into something MUCH bigger than Stephen or Greg ever adticipated. The fact that they still play while high or drunk just shows that they don't take the band nearly as seriously as everybody in the press does.
fuck it, they make great music (whether a bunch of uptight, whingey, traditionalist tools want to accept it as music or not), and there are always two sides to the story.

if, however, he did do that, he is an ass, but then again, many of us listen to music recorded by convicted murderers, so damaging a piece of equipment shouldn't really phase us that much should it?
never mind that he DIDN'T actually damage it because the whinecunt that wrote the whinery in the original post would have whined ENDLESSLY (probably for 6 pages) if he did

stage monitors are built like fucking rocks to be able to handle rough treatment

haha... i love how some people honestly believe that every Sunn O))) fan out there has had the wool pulled over their eyes. I mean, how fucking ignorant can you get?
of course there's going to be mass amounts of whining when for some inexplicable reason, a band that has NO mainstream appeal whatsoever and that 99% of everyone will just have NO chance of understanding is hyped to the point that sunn o))) is

"don't believe the hype"? that's right motherfucker, you shouldn't, because people like you who believe in hype like this aren't the INTENDED AUDIENCE