
Dec 27, 2004
Damn, i was "this" close to finding a metalcore band i didn't despise, Trivium, and then they had to go and start doing that gay clean emo style voice in the middle of there song and then iw anted to shoot them in the face.

oh well, they sucked anyways, but at least it was barable when they where thrashing and not whining.

Damn, i was "this" close to finding a metalcore band i didn't despise, Trivium, and then they had to go and start doing that gay clean emo style voice in the middle of there song and then iw anted to shoot them in the face.

oh well, they sucked anyways, but at least it was barable when they where thrashing and not whining.

Kiss It Goodbye

Trivium, pfffffttttt...........:lol:
Check out Misery Signals and 7 Angels 7 Plagues. I really like both the bands and apparently they fit in that "metalcore" genre, so check 'em out.
I almost suggested 7A7P, because their lone full-length album is one of the finest metalcore releases ever. And metal fans would like the low, almost growling vocals.
You know, I got a bunch of *unsolicited* hardcore promos (yes I said 'promos', not 'pornos' unfortunately) in the mail today, and I let out a heavy, heavy sigh. :(

I'm tempted to remove all past hardcore reviews from the site, just so hardcore labels stop looking to us for possible reviews. It's bad enough when metal labels send us metal promos. :loco:

OK so let's see -- what will I get in a trade for the following. Hmmm....

evolotto - smile
Bleed for Me - Composition
Highbinder - ...All the way to Hell
The PB Army - Spine for the Snapback

All are full promos, in jewel cases with a punchole in the barcode, except for that "evolotto" so I suppose its value goes up a nickel.

My want list:

A used matchstick
Finnish or Italian power metal
The crap that's blocking your kitchen sink
Svidd Neger
wait i should state the fact i found the band by accident and i hate metalcore, haha, im just saying they almost didn't suck =)

but hey ill try out some of those to see if im wrong in saying metalcore hurts my testicles.
The only band ive really enjoyed that apparently falls into this genre is Unearth. There are others that somtimes get lumped in with metalcore too (happens alot with grind bands).
ohhh wait, yea, Unearth i find myself somtimes maybe enjoying when my friends put them on, because they have cool clasic leads.
JayKeeley said:
You know, I got a bunch of *unsolicited* hardcore promos (yes I said 'promos', not 'pornos' unfortunately) in the mail today, and I let out a heavy, heavy sigh. :(


I like hardcore. Send 'em to me, I might even review them :wave:
There's some decent moments on that Trivium CD. I don't mind the transition between harsh and clean vocal styles. However, I do hate the formulated way it which the transitions occur (harsh verse, clean chorus, harsh verse, clean chorus, etc.).
