Love metal?? hahahaha

SylviasRavenWolfe said:
wtf? where do you get that idea? lol, if i listen to bands like Children of Bodom, what the hell possessed you to think i would listen to Him??? even if i can see how retarted Him is!!!!

And it's Sylvias, not silvia or whatever the fuck you said

I listen to both... :Smokin:

HIM's not retarded... but I kinda think you are, lol.

Btw, is your name in the plural or does it mean that you have a raven and a wolf?
i do think that HIM are retards
i tend to listen to more than one song by a band before i make my opinion about them.
HIM are show offers and really make them self look more than what they are.
Cris said:
I listen to both... :Smokin:

HIM's not retarded... but I kinda think you are, lol.

Btw, is your name in the plural or does it mean that you have a raven and a wolf?

i don't care for HIM, doesn't mean other people can't like 'em, and my name is not plural it is Sylvias, it's my pen name, Sylvias, Raven Wolfe. is it really that hard to understand?
meh, colors are fun, who cares if there not metel? red is a good color, if you guys can't read it then fix your computer...or your eyes, wichever the problem is...
CliffBurton said:
I just don't think they are emo at all.

They aren't. I don't think people even know what emo is anymore. Emo (the music) is a punk-influenced sub-genre that was created in the 80's as a deeper, more introspective type of hardcore that was more musical and more emotional than, say, Black Flag and Minor Threat. Emo is bands like Fugazi and Rites of Spring. HIM is rock. The whole love metal thing is ridiculous. And so are people that say HIM is emo. Educate yourselves before you go off spouting mindless crap about how anything you think sucks is emo.
SylviasRavenWolfe said:
meh, colors are fun, who cares if there not metel? red is a good color, if you guys can't read it then fix your computer...or your eyes, wichever the problem is...

hehe, you guys are never happy, first you tell me to not care what you think and to just be myslef then you get mad when i am myself! lol whatever, i'll just do it my way