Emo kids

I gave a bad example and I have a better one and I'll clarify what I mean exactly...
say there's this nice man on the block and he's calm and nice to everyone and not stressed at all and you at him as an example while you as a father have a stressfull job and kids to take care of while he's single, has no kids and no stressfull job because he just won the lottory or something...so you cannot compare yourself as a person with lots of stress that needs to be vented to a person that has no stress.
when it comes to taking your father's behavior as a negative example...what you do unconsciously is see that not one but most people who you consider decent don't act this way and that's what alerts you.

about jewish religious laws there is somethin that's called "shmirat negi'a" which means saving touch...basicly means you're not allowed to touch(not even a handshake) anyone of the opposite sex until you're married and then you're only allowed to touch your wife/husband...talking to girls is allowed.

your dad's behavior impinted in you I meant some of it and behavior and personality as tou know are tightly linked...so I meant exactly what you said...off course same thing can be said about your mom too after all half your genes are hers. and some could be your father's hidden genes(kind of two black people have a white baby because both black parents are mixraced, in reality this situation is not very probable because the black gene is more domminant but it could happen kind of like in "the human stain" movie).

kids are a blessing and a curse and yeah some kids are much more a curse and they're quite a handfull but that also depends on how you raise them.
If you ferberize(have the baby teach himself to selfsoothe by not giving him attention when he cries) a baby he will have less demands of his parents as he grows up because if you give him too much attention he will grow up too needy and too dependant of his parents(even as a grown up) but if you give him to little attention as a baby he might grow up psychologicly fucked up,too shy and won't be able to make friends easily and be constantly lonely.
off course every child has a different demand for attention and different noise level...you know there are babies that their crying is bearable and not very noisy and easily soothable even if they're in great pain while others are litteraly screamo babies that cry every second for attention in brain piercing pitch and 100dB volume(equivalent to standing a few paces from the speakers at a metal show).
I hate shmira girls. Half of them are such hypcrites. They walk around in skirts that go above the knee and shirts that don't cover their elbows, but they are too religious to touch someone? Unless you're that chick from X-Men, either wear a skirt down to your feet and a shirt down to your palms or act like everyone else.
But I wasn't talking about shmira girls. I know all about them (even dated a couple of them). I was talking about those really religious guys that will not even talk to girls. The kid I used to go to school with will not talk to girls. He wouldn't even go to SAT classes because girls were there. There is no prohibition against talking to the opposite sex. There is a prohibition against whatever is happening in those schools that would make a bunch of males want to stay in rooms with a bunch of other males while having no female contact.
The not sitting in the same SAT class if there are girls there is understandable...it's like the separation between men and women in the synagogue(ezrat nashim) and in Israel concerts in the religious sector there is a separation(just a little fence) between men and women also religious discoteques even for kids are separate for boys and girls...only in this case there is no separating fence but different rooms(for fear you might watch a girl dance).
The whole women can't wear pants thing is not exact...it says women must wear skirts so in the winter when it's cold they wear pants and a skirt on top... the whole meaning of this skirt thing is so girls were compelled to dress modestly so they won't arrouse men but simply having the man see them.
the problem with religious laws that they are not old fashioned but completely anachronistic...they fit to a time like untill 200 years ago when women didn't wear short skirts so by saying skirt it was obvious that the skirt is long...short skirts came in only in the early 20th century as did the underwear also shrunk in size but there was no religious law(psak halacha) prohibiting short skirts(above the knees,not the miniskirts) so if not prohibited then allowed.
Being a studend in Bar Ilan Uni. which is known as the university with religious characteristics(instead of general courses aside from your major you have to take courses in judaism-bible,talmud,jewish history and jewish philosophy) and there are religious girls I know that are reasonable and do wear pants and short sleeve shirts who say that wearing not tight pants is ok because basicly it covers the leg completely like a long skirt and is more chaste than a short skirt and it's the though that counts and the rules are outdated...about the short sleeves they claim that "come on, It's Israel it's really hot and walking around with long sleeves in the summer is suicide plus it's not like anyone will get arroused by an exposed elbow"

so back to the kid that won't talk to girls...not sitting in the same class with a girl is understandable but not talking to a girl is just plain stupid.
When they have a mechitzah or seperate the sexes in different rooms though, it's in a synagogue and/or religious setting. SATs are just what people take and the score affects which college they can get into.

Girls are allowed to wear pants if they are pants made for girls. Unless the emo thing with males works the same way for the female (the guy emos wear girl pants as we all know), no girl is going to wear men's jeans.
I know it's only SAT's I just said the way it is in some religious currnets in Israel and I am very familiar with the rules of religion even though I'm not religious myself...so the mechitzah can be found also not in synagogues as I said and if the extremist religious would have their way men and women wouldn't be able to walk the same side of the street unless they are married.

I am an engineering major, starting my senior year and I've studied all these years in the same room with religious girls even did homework together and prepared for tests with them and there isn't any problem with that neither morally nor religiously.

There is something in jewish religious laws that I consider the biggest mistake the rabbis of all times have made...it's called "hachmara" and means stricting the laws beyond what is commanded in the torah.like as a simple example
the torah says(and I translate):"shall not cook a capricorn in its mother's milk"
simple interpretation:it's immoral to do so and should be taken litteraly
that means that I can eat capricorn meat with his mother's milk as long as I didn't cook him in it or that I can eat capricorn meat cooked in some other milk or cook any other type of meat(camel,cattle,sheep etc..) with any type of milk
deeper interpretation:it doesn't state it clearly but implies on prohibiting all type of cattle,goat and sheep to be eating(not just cooked) with any type of milk or other dairy products like cheese.
ruling of rabis(de rabanan): prohibited to eat also poultry(chicken,pigeons,austriches etc..) with any type of dairy product because someone might see you eating poultry with milk and mistake it for eating beef with milk and might think because you're eating it then it's ok and have some beef with milk himself this way you caused a man to brake a rule of god.
so far it ends here but as I see it some radical is going to prohibit even soy milk with poultry.

back to the boy that won't talk with girls...it is possible that some extreme religious freak of a rabi has told him a "hachmara" of the mechitzah rule that it should apply not only in a synagogue but also everywhere including your heart and mouth and therefore not allowed even to speak to a girl before marriage but then how on earth is he supposed to get married if he's not allowed to speak to girls...oh shit I forgot...they have "shiduch" fixed marriages(meet a girl for five minutes and then set a wedding date to bring later 14 children to the world with a woman you've known for 5 minutes)

this whole thing is absurd...I totally agree with you
I wasn't talking about him in general. I was just using him as an example of how these religious schools are.
I was raised with all that stuff and I think it's ridiculous that they are so strict. I know about all those rabinical chumras. A really pointless one is that the really religious ones force people to wear these stupid black hats for whatever they want to do. Want to pray, you have to wear a hat and jacket, want to go buy some groceries, wear a hat and jacket etc. Not only is that not an obligation, it kills off the culture of many people. Sephardic Jews did not wear that stuff, but they are wearing it now because they are adopting a completely different culture. I don't mean to slag Ashkenazik Jews or anything so don't take offense.
Or when hassidic Jews wear those robes with the stockings and they shave their heads but keep their sideburns down to their neck. The sideburns are only obligated to be at the bone by the ear. There is no obligation to wear those robes (I think they are called bekeshehs or something like that) and pantyhose (women's socks).

I never understood why they make poultry the same category as meat. Besides that no poultry actually looks like meat, poultry actually looks a lot more like fish. It would have made more sense that they wouldn't let people eat poultry and meat the same way they don't let people eat fish with meat. I know some won't have dairy with fish either, although they don't have to wait in between, it's mostly just not to have it together.

Camel isn't a kosher animal anyways, so I don't think it really matters if you cook it with dairy or not.
about the camel thing I meant to say deer...was a little tipsy when I wrote it yesterday...

as for poultry in the same category as meat by all means it's not...what I told you is the official reason in written in the talmud...for fear that someone might think you are eating meat with dairy...and in fact the punishment for eating poultry with dairy is more harsh because you're disobeying an order from rabbis and not god...and the reason for this is he who eats poultry with dairy knows about the prohibition and chooses to disregard a religious order and therefore the punishment is harsher.It didn't make sence to me either when numerous rabbis in my university told me that.It's true that chicken doesn't look anything like beef but there are poultries(like turkey) with darker meat that might resemble in color to beef or deer. it's still a stupid reason but I was given by one of my professors a legitimate reason not to eat meat or poultry with dairy...it's taken from the jewish medical encyclopedia where it states that the combination above are simply not healthy as the body processess meat and dairy differently and mixing them causes some malfunctions in the liver and kidneys and might cause diarrhea or indigestion etc... etc... a legitimate reason not to eat but hardly one to be forbidden by god.

I know you weren't talking specifficly about that guy but in general and so was I...I am well familiar with the strictness of those orthodox streams.
I also know that when it comes to everything Ashkenasic rules(piskey halacha) are much more strict than Sephardic(in weddings,forbidding to eat beans and houmus on passover etc).The jacket and hat thing is by any means not obligatory...it's simply their dress code just like some schools are obligated to wear a uniform(mmm highschool girls with checkered skirts..yum yum give me sum) it's simply a way of recognizing your own kind everywhere
any other reason given is bullshit...there is still some animosity between different currents in judaism regarding to some ruling...as a matter of fact the only thing all currents would settle for is the uniform hebrew calender.

I despise the orthodox education system in Israel.it's horrible...they teach you from early morning till the evening without having to teach you anything practical like math or some science,or social studies or history...you grow up as an unproductive member of society who can't work because he's not qualified for anything, so they live in poverty with lots of kids,no job after having violence and public humilliation as a form of education(seriously they hit students just for talking about soccer during recess)

it's awefull
paradoxile said:
I despise the orthodox education system in Israel.it's horrible...they teach you from early morning till the evening without having to teach you anything practical like math or some science,or social studies or history...you grow up as an unproductive member of society who can't work because he's not qualified for anything, so they live in poverty with lots of kids,no job after having violence and public humilliation as a form of education(seriously they hit students just for talking about soccer during recess)

it's awefull
How exactly is that any different than the American ones? These kids are being tought to leach on their father-in-laws. I'm serious about that. The teachers are saying that they have to get married ASAP and marry girls with money who have fathers that will pay for them to learn more. They actually go on interviews with these fathers. It's disgusting. If you want to marry someone, than it should be because you love her or think she's uber-sexy. They are all throwing their lives away.
They usually act like assholes too.
I seriously hate those extreme orthodox yeshiva kids. Besides that nobody can understand a damn thing they say because they speak in such a weird accent (I don't know if it's like that with the Israeli ones, but the American ones speak very muffled, not clear at all and very fast) their whole attitude just pisses me off. I hate them as much as emo, goth and skater kids.
I don't know how it works with American kids I guess it's not very different.

I know all about marrying a girl with a rich father thing but not all of them are like that but those who are demand a beating...but it's the fathers that I don't understand...I mean if the father of the girl is rich he must be working so agreeing that some dude would marry his daughter and not support her...

the whole thing about marriage even in the bible is the moving of the girl from her father's care to her husband's...the father doesn't owe them dick.

seriously religious education should be outlawed...everyone in the world should get uniform education(math,history,law, science of your choice etc...) and do the religious studies at your own spare time...this way you can be a religious person with a decent education and an equal opportunity of getting a job...instead of being a deadbeat for the rest of your life.

what I believe to be the difference between American jewish orthodox and Israeli jewish orthodox institutions is the fact that the US has a 2 political party system-the democrats and the republicans and they are the ones that offer the plan to take care of all demographics in the US(they're supposed to at least).In Israel it started this way but as time passed we got pluralism meaning there are the 2 or 3 big parties and 20 other small parties to take care of a certain demographic interest...like Shas party which take care of the sephardic orthodox community that used to get 4 or 5 seats in the parlament(out of 120) in the 80's and early 90's but by the end of the 90's they were the third-fourth party in size with up to 20 seats in the parlament.
now because there are many parties the party that wins the elections cannot form the government because it has no more than 50% of the votes so there is a need in a coaltion so the leader of the winning party is trying to form a government by negotiating with other parties and add them to the coaltion so that at the end there are more than 60 parlament seats which is a majority that forms the government.
during those negotiations Shas always asks for money for its orhtodox education and building new synagogues otherwise they won't support the government and they usually get it so while regular education gets a certain ammount of money while teaching the school kids everything they need to know with 30-40 kids in every class(until 98 there wasn't even an air conditionare in the classes in my school) the Shas schools teach their kids
to pray and learn torah all day...10-11 kids in every class with a vast library and air conditioning and get 4-5 fold the funds the regular schools get to raise those kids to be a deadbeat that doesn't work or go to the army and doesn't pay back the taxpayers money that funded his education to society.
After that kid finishes his school he goes to a Shas Yeshiva and still gets funded by the government and later when he gets married since he doesn't work and can't work because he lacks the proper education to work he gets a needy status at the social security and still get government aid while having 14 kids whom he doesn't have the money to feed...and so they are leaching on society and complaining they are poor.

So my guess is the US government doesn't give such funds to jewish orthodox education.probably just give those Schools and Yeshivas a non profit organization status and give them the funds every institution of that caliber gets(tax deduction,free water and electricity and some kind of small funding)
It is pretty much how you said. They get some funds, some freebies, non-profit status.
The best part of the non-profit status is that you can do some tax fraud. Not that I do that stuff though, I'm honest with my taxes:Saint:
why have tax fraud when you have full funding from the government plus "donations" from people who were lured into religion by false promises from varios rabbis and once they're in they sign a contract to donate to 30 Yeshivas 50 shekels each monthly(a bit more than 10$) monthly so it comes to 1500 shekels(more then 300$) a month and simply drive these people to bancrupcy...now if you're poor according to religion you're supposed to get donations from the community instead they abandone you and help their own... it's horrible

There of course zionist religious people who are serving in the army and have decent education and they work and are pretty nice people apart from the anti disengagement riots they did in the summer of 2005.
A friend of mine told me his Yeshiva was lacking funds they collected money to buy a small piece of land and started a plantation there where they sell the fruit for funding the Yeshiva...all Yeshiva member work in the field and you give money from your paycheck(of your normal job) only to your Yeshiva and only as much as you can afford because you basicly trying to save the Yeshiva for your own(and others') benefit you don't want your yeshiva to bancrupt,it...off course once he left the yeshiva he stopped paying.
that's more or less how a kibutz works and applying to a Yeshiva is a great idea. religious and decent
The way the tax deduction thing with the schools is done is sort of like money laundering. One person makes a "donation" to the orginization and writes it off. The orginization "donates" it to the other person, who does not have to pay taxes on it since it is considered as "charity" in the government's eyes. They leave a small percentage to the orginization to make it worthwhile for them. Everyone, but Uncle Sam, wins.
But I do not do anything like that. I am honest with my taxes. :Saint:

You're talking about the Israeli schools, which I know nothing about. Their whole system of income is very different than the ones here. The ones here do not get full government donations. They just get the same as all private schools since those kids are not using the public schools' budget. Other than that, the schools thrive on tuition and donations (which they force the parents to pay on top of the tuition).

I saw that Emo Rangers video before. Pretty funny, but it makes them look like heroes:mad:
I know how these charities work...watched enough law and order in my life(Ice T yay!!! how Ironic) statisticly speaking there had to be at least one episode about this kind of thing...the show never ends.

emo rangers is ridiculing emo...because the power rangers were always gay
nevertheless it's beautifully made...good cgi and a cool idea and the martial art thing was well coreographed(hoddies LOL)...the only thing gay about it is the evil queen or whatever talking out of sync with the audio.

not to worry...I still think emo is uber-gay
Is it just me or do emo kids hair look like Hitler's? They are skinny faggots that get pushed around and want to kill everyone (most of them would love to do a school shooting), I think there is a connection.

(I hope this doesn't offend anyone, I don't mean to offend anybody. I'm just joking around)
Metal head87 said:
Is it just me or do emo kids hair look like Hitler's? They are skinny faggots that get pushed around and want to kill everyone (most of them would love to do a school shooting), I think there is a connection.

(I hope this doesn't offend anyone, I don't mean to offend anybody. I'm just joking around)

pure coincidence imo
and don't call them skinny faggots...
a.you're insulting the gay community
b.not all of them are homosexuals

do as I do call them skinny crossdressers (for wearing girl's clothing)