I hate emo. Bloodbath backs this up.


May 16, 2004
Orlando, Florida USA
*Note, All band photo credits go to their respectful owners. All logos are credit their owners*
Emo is the worst genre of music on the planet. Period. For the clueless, Emo is short for ‘Emotional’ which in turn describes the genre. However, instead of spanning a broad spectrum of emotions, Emo concentrates on pathetically used and played out ‘heartbreak.’ Most bands of Emo sing about breakups, suicide, how hard life is, and why they’re such bastards. It’s almost a blessing because they beat themselves down and degrade themselves, which I completely support because they’re kicking their own asses for me, saving me time and energy. People that feel they need to beat themselves up over a 3 month relationship are as pathetic as they make themselves out to be. However, I can see their point. They speak about these things because they are the only ones who have ever dated and have ever been in love with someone who broke up with them or died.

Emo’s sound is the worst of all music. If you take a single chord, play it for two minutes straight with an overdriven guitar, put in a boring drumbeat while following on bass with the same note, you have an emo song. If you add a wimp to scream into a mic while writhing on the floor like he’s received 10,000 volts from a wire stuck up his ass, then you have a hit emo band. Emo completely destroys the professionalism that comes with the title musician and places the false hope in many kids that look up to these clowns, thinking that all you have to do is hit the same damn note/chord for two minutes while wearing stupid clothing and thrashing around like you’re the shit. Speaking of clothing…

Can’t emo kids find ANYTHING to wear besides tight jeans, tight shirts, and fucking converse all-stars??? First of all, emo kids are skinnier than the fucking starving children in Zimbabwe!!! THEY HAVE NOTHING TO SHOW OFF!!!! No muscles whatsoever! The thing that makes them ‘hot’ is the hair covering the eyes… and I’ll be damned… it has to be straight black hair. And because of this oh so fashionable form of dress, it is physically impossible to tell a man from a woman. One of my emo friends sent me a band photo of a group called ‘From First to Last.’ It seems the rave is all about Sonny, the vocalist. I checked the picture out and I must say that whenever I look at that pic and think about people actually looking up to these people, I cry. I fucking cry.

I want you all to see this same picture. However, to help guide you, I’ve suggested a new name for the band and I have also given a few pointers to help guide you all to why I hate emo so much

Now, in the interest of fairness, I have subjected one of my favorite metal bands to the same test. Let’s see how the band Bloodbath compares:


As you can see, Emo is clearly the loser in this little comparison. Look how much more ass Bloodbath stomps. And to top it all, Bloodbath dresses decently, doesn’t try to look sexy [women (and some men and fanboys) already know they are all sexy without trying] and know they’re good. Their music is complex, more than two minutes long, has faster and better guitars, drums, and bass, and Mr. Tagtgren has an exceptionally greater vocal range than Sonny ever will.

The next person that tells me I’m an angry person because I listen to angry music and I’m just venting my anger onto other people gets doused in blood and dropped in the shark tank, because it’s not MY music that pisses me off: it’s THEIR music. It’s their music that makes it impossible for me to turn on a radio, or go to certain music halls. It’s shit like emo that have made the concept of seeing Music Videos on MTV instead of whiny, bitchy brainless fucks who have been spoiled to no end a fantasy. It’s emo that has been formed from the molds of punk, pop, and hippie. All three of these scenes combined to form some bastard child of a scene that doesn’t fit in anywhere and has no purpose except for attention-getting. If people really are so fucking heartbroken that they need to express it, STAY THE FUCK AWAY FROM MUSICAL INSRUMENTS!! Can’t they see that they rape their instruments with every note?

And remember when I said that Emo vocalists writhe around like they have a live wire up their poop chute? I’m not kidding either. These so called ‘vocalists’ have pissed on the professionalism of what it takes to be a musician. Here is another comparison, but in fairness, I’m using two different bands. Compare Taking Back Sunday’s vocalist with Moonspell’s vocalist:


Clearly, Moonspell has a more professional vocalist. Not only is he more learned in Vocal arts, he has a kickass shaman staff that he slammed to the beat of ‘Nocturna.’

And people who hurt themselves [inspired by Emo in any way] need to be castrated or have their ovaries removed ASAP. If you’re gonna slit your wrists over stupid bullshit like a horrible band whining about relationships, then just cut all the way down and end it. Well, I take that back. If I listened to whiny no talent bands whine about relationships, I’d most likely be slitting my wrists too, firstly because I have a low tolerance for bullshit and suicide seems much brighter than listening to horrible music. Secondly, you aren’t cool unless you cut your wrists d00d, you just aren’t. Cutting your wrists is cool, and only stupid people don’t do it. Also, my life is just so FUCKING horrible, and slitting my wrists helps me cope. Yep, my horrible life that’s shared with thousands of other emo kids, with our nice warm bed., electricity, hot running water, parents who care about us, a fridge full of food to eat, a good education, lots of friends, a good cash flow, hair that is dyed black regularly at TGF, trendy emo clothing, lots of cds, movies, cable, and being able to hang with others that have equally horrible lives.

Be thankful for what you have you whining little bitches. There are kids in America [and the rest of the world] who have to sleep with a gun by their bedside, who were abandoned by their parents, who have to wonder where their next meal is coming from, whether daddy will come home drunk and beat them again, whether they’ll be able to get better with no medicine.

There is hope however: The hardcore scene is the anti-emo. While the Metal community and the hardcore community are at odds [face it, Hardcore people are assholes], they can come to an agreement and an alliance against the emo scene. If we can join forces with the Hardcore scene, we can wipe out emo once and for all, and the world will be a better place.
Brilliant stuff Jinn! I'm just waiting for someone to go "well I listen to emo and metal, and emo is really great...."
emo sucks dick but rap is worse, at least emo bands give the illusion of musicianship. i shit on any genre of music where getting shot scores you a record deal.
and another thing, i'm so fucking sick of metalcore. i work in a record store and every time i see another album stickered "for fans of converge and as i lay dying!!!!" i want to strangle somebody. unlike most people here, i like black dahlia murder and unearth, but that's as far as it goes, and these fucking metalcore bandwagoners are spreading like the plague. and there's plenty of crossover between emo and metalcore, too, goddamn trendcore mallrats everywhere you look. [/rant]
Yeah fashioncore is really retarded, but don't mix up good (early) emo with that stuff... I'm mainly thinking of At the Drive-In here. And to be fair, while I don't consider rap to be music, I don't think they're trying to fool anyone into thinking they're good musicians. It's about lyrical content and flow (and drum and bass? I don't know I don't listen to it). Good post none the less.
Thankee everyone.

This rant is actually a few years old, and now that my computer is finally fixed, I thought that'd I'd share it with you.

BTW, I've also posted this in SOT and had some emo arsehole challenge my rant. :)