haha gotta love friends


May 22, 2003
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Yeah so me and my friends have some odd conversations....

heres a funny one, with my friend ben who randomly started calling me "Dark Lord Max" (dunno where the dark lord title came from, but whatever).

sneakyguy76: toodles!
IfGodDidNotExist: Bleaaaaaaaaaaaaargh Satan
sneakyguy76: i have to come up with a 'DARK LORD MAX: SUPREME RULER OF THE DARK ABYSS' theme song
sneakyguy76: and it will be named
IfGodDidNotExist: hahahaha
sneakyguy76: then you can do kicks
IfGodDidNotExist: I love it!
sneakyguy76: and all sorts of cool, cliche Chicago style dances
IfGodDidNotExist: haha! who will act in it?
sneakyguy76: saun connery as Max, that wiley woman from spaceballs as Hulga (max's ex-wife who keeps trying to kill his hamster cause its the closest thing to his blackened heart), and some others who will be made of Jello
Another one:
meigerenbimingle: i like the fact that you say "w00t" now
IfGodDidNotExist: Yo bery welcome
IfGodDidNotExist: haha
meigerenbimingle: or "woot"
meigerenbimingle: depending on your moon
meigerenbimingle: lol
meigerenbimingle: mood*
meigerenbimingle: lol
IfGodDidNotExist: my moon?
IfGodDidNotExist: hahaha
meigerenbimingle: yes
meigerenbimingle: your moon
IfGodDidNotExist: hehehe mooon.... like butt!
IfGodDidNotExist: *giggle*
IfGodDidNotExist: you said butt
IfGodDidNotExist: *titter*
meigerenbimingle: i did?
meigerenbimingle: lol
IfGodDidNotExist: well you implied
IfGodDidNotExist: well not really
IfGodDidNotExist: but thats how i took it
meigerenbimingle: lol
meigerenbimingle: yeah, that's how i thought it too
meigerenbimingle: but i never said "butt"
meigerenbimingle: until now
IfGodDidNotExist: hehehe bum
meigerenbimingle: lol i didn't say that either
meigerenbimingle: you said tit though
IfGodDidNotExist: hahaha
IfGodDidNotExist: so i did!
meigerenbimingle: twice
meigerenbimingle: lol
IfGodDidNotExist: hah double tit!

Yeh well, shut up, i found it funny.
My conversations with close friends ususally involve shit that makes no sense to anyone but us, and comments that can get the US Government after me. :)

Well, this one MIGHT make sense:

(As we drive past a chuch)

Glenn: Fuck God!

Me: Fuck WHO?

Glenn: God.

Me: Now what are we doing to god?

Glenn: Fucking him.

Me: Ah, good, just making sure.

(Glenn loogies out the window onto chuch grounds)

Me: So, what came first, the chicken or the egg?
Tim and Matt at the same time: Neither.
Me: I don't know....I think that maybe something like a chicken laid the egg of a chicken, thus the egg came first.
Tim: Yeah, maybe.....
Me: Yeah, I guess we will never know.............until a couple of years from now, when we have the technology to find out, and then we will find out that Chicken is our god, and we will worship him.
Matt: But we eat chicken.
Tim: So that would make us gods also.
Me: And everything tastes like chicken.
Tim: So everything is god?
Me: Well, no..............you know in the bible it says that god created man in his own image..........well Chicken created everything in his own taste.
Tim: That was good, give me some dap.
Dan: i'll talk to cora and see if he actually wants to go
Me: Ok
Dan: lets hope not
Me: *prays*
Dan: hahah, you and your god
Me: my possibly non-existent, but if existent belonging to no organized religion god?
Dan: oh, i thought you were praying to your extremely organized, way too anal in too many ways god
Dan:i read this thing last night "Sex is like air. It doesnt matter until you arent getting any". I nearly pissed myself.
NoLordy Capone said:
My conversations with close friends ususally involve shit that makes no sense to anyone but us, and comments that can get the US Government after me. :)

Well, this one MIGHT make sense:

(As we drive past a chuch)

Glenn: Fuck God!

Me: Fuck WHO?

Glenn: God.

Me: Now what are we doing to god?

Glenn: Fucking him.

Me: Ah, good, just making sure.

(Glenn loogies out the window onto chuch grounds)

Is your friend Glenn Benton? :lol: :lol: :lol:
Oh yeah, that reminds me:

Me: The moon is so pretty..........I want to eat it.

Tim: We need to catch it, and enjoy it's cheesy goodness.

Me: The moon.....is made of cheese?

Tim: Yeah, blue cheese.

Me: No way.

Tim: Yes.

Me: No.

Tim: Look at it, it looks like cheese.

Me: No, that's too cliche........it looks like...............a cum covered watermelon.

Tim: .............

Me: Or cantaloupe.