*sigh* You just gotta love it....

I was on the forum at Deadtide.com. They gave "Novella Reservoir" a stellar review. Saying, Novembers Doom have created 2 masterpieces in a row this and TPHD" (I tried to paraphrase) Anyway,they give their members a chance to respond to their reviews (I'm not a member) and one jag-off said, "This is fucking slow-ass plodding fucked up death metal." Paul, my friend I assure you I have retrieved my mount and Viking sword and hammer. I will now hunt this fuckin' insect down and CRUSH him. I am called "BloodSword" for a reason. Seriously, these ingrates aren't really "paying attention" to what is going on musically. Some want that "instant song gratification" and are not advanced enough in their listening skills. BTW, the reviewer also mentioned Novella Reservoir is a strong canidate for album of the year. The band has stayed true to themselves and their art in this creation, so fuck the reviewers.
I was on the forum at Deadtide.com. They gave "Novella Reservoir" a stellar review. Saying, Novembers Doom have created 2 masterpieces in a row this and TPHD" (I tried to paraphrase) Anyway,they give their members a chance to respond to their reviews (I'm not a member) and one jag-off said, "This is fucking slow-ass plodding fucked up death metal." Paul, my friend I assure you I have retrieved my mount and Viking sword and hammer. I will now hunt this fuckin' insect down and CRUSH him. I am called "BloodSword" for a reason. Seriously, these ingrates aren't really "paying attention" to what is going on musically. Some want that "instant song gratification" and are not advanced enough in their listening skills. BTW, the reviewer also mentioned Novella Reservoir is a strong canidate for album of the year. The band has stayed true to themselves and their art in this creation, so fuck the reviewers.

Get em! haha!

Thanks Bloodsword, fo the support, and the link! :kickass:
I was on the forum at Deadtide.com. They gave "Novella Reservoir" a stellar review. Saying, Novembers Doom have created 2 masterpieces in a row this and TPHD" (I tried to paraphrase) Anyway,they give their members a chance to respond to their reviews (I'm not a member) and one jag-off said, "This is fucking slow-ass plodding fucked up death metal." Paul, my friend I assure you I have retrieved my mount and Viking sword and hammer. I will now hunt this fuckin' insect down and CRUSH him. I am called "BloodSword" for a reason. Seriously, these ingrates aren't really "paying attention" to what is going on musically. Some want that "instant song gratification" and are not advanced enough in their listening skills. BTW, the reviewer also mentioned Novella Reservoir is a strong canidate for album of the year. The band has stayed true to themselves and their art in this creation, so fuck the reviewers.

Well, here's my point on this.....y'know everyone is entitled to their own tastes and opinions and I have no issue with people disliking us or giving us a bad review......BUT, my feelings are that if you're going to publicly give us a bad review or have negative things to say, then it should be at least somewhat educated. The person who called our new stuff "fucking slow ass plodding fucked up death metal", for example.....exactly what cd was he hearing, and what is his criteria for being "slow"? While we're certainly far off from being Nile or Cryptopsy in the speed department, a good 60% of our new cd cannot be considered "slow" or "plodding" by any means. Now perhaps this guy just happens to think that anything slower than a Death cd is "plodding".....or perhaps this guy just did the typical generalization of us and presumed we made a cd of slow plodding death metal without really giving it a chance. So often, if you go into something with a preconceived notion of what to expect, then that's exactly what you'll find, even if it's not totally accurate or true.

I dunno man, to me slow and plodding is stuff like Winter, or the stuff you'd find on our earlier albums, not "Drown the Inland Mere" and "Dominate the Human Strain" and so forth....y'know?

We're never going to be heard 100% properly or given a really fair chance by many people because we'll always have that stigma of being a "doom metal band". I love some doom metal but that surely ain't what we're all about. I think anyone with open ears and an open mind can listen to our new cd and see that we stretch beyond the boudaries of doom metal, or even death metal at times. Now whether you think we're any good at it, well that's up to you entirely :)
Can't really say it any better then NVMBERSDOOM 5 did. Another perspective that I can't emphasize enough is; as an avid music listener, I listen for what the band is trying to accomplish with there sound, the arrangements and structure of the songs, how the vocals and lyrics connect or interact with the music. Most people I know couldn't tell you what 12/8 time is, Fuck or what is an arrangement or an instrument being played. These "listeners" are not really HEARING what's being done. I was at a party not long ago and there were people who could'nt tell the difference between Johnny Cash and Bob Dylan, Hendrix and Trower, Clapton and Duane Allman and Novembers Doom and Opeth. You get the point. These nutballs were not that high either. They just don't appreciate and LISTEN to the music. Attentive music listeners are a rare breed in my insane world. So, all that being said, NVMBERSDOOM 5 is right, you will not be able to please everybody. And that should be attributed to their ignorance not the band. For what it's worth, my friends love ND.
Some good points made here. If the reviewer is not even into the style at all that a band is playing, maybe he should refrain from writing. I've done my fair share of Gothenburg (a style I dislike) reviews and such, but I've still put energy into looking for positive qualities as well. Sheer band bashing in serious reviews is just stupid.
Larry, thanx man for all of your excellent guitar playing. I know it has to be tuff and a sacrifice in many ways to be in a band. For what it's worth, for me, in the death/doom genre (if that's correct) Novembers Doom and Solitude Aeturnus are the 2 best bands working today.
Never let anyone tell you anything about your art because they are wrong. Every band, every artist, writer ,etc. has just got to follow the "muse" where ever she takes them. When an artist starts to listen to critics, even the few critics that know their shit and do their homework, that artist is screwed. It gets in your head and then you start to second guess things. Having said all that I know it's easier said than done. Some asshole takes something you've worked so hard on and just tears it apart...that sucks. Make you want to find that fucker and kill him. But once again, fuck 'em. You just have to let if roll off you because you know if they COULD do what a great band DOES, they would. But they can't so theyr try to knock it down because it makes them feel better about their miserable fucking lives.