Haha I took Warell's ring!

Spinal Remains

Master of Reality
Mar 12, 2002
Santa Cruz, CA
When i saw Nevermore when they played with OPETH in San Francisco, Warell reached out his hand to give me a high-five or some shit and his ring slipped into my hand.. he was all looking around for it and I heald it up and I graciously gave it back to him.. He smiled and did a thumbs up thing.. I don't know I thought it was funny...
warrel's ring..and his longing...come-on, were you the pansy division in support for OPETH and nMore.

Bloody pathetic I tell you readers...
That was a nice thing to do... Not a big deal, but anyway... Don't squash man's head for sharing this... ( BTW, WD has beautiful rings...:D True Light, now spit on me... :err: )
Maybe if you'd kept Warrel's ring,you coulda turned water into wine,then gave the wine to WD and kept the ring!HA...
POISONGODMACHINE>>>>He responds to him at another forum.

I kinda with TL here. It was pretty lame...i mean..does the guy want a prize, or does he want us to praise him and tell him how lucky he is, just cause he TOUCHED Warrels RING?

I have a ring or two....would you like to touch them? I wouldnt let you, you know, but i am just wondering here.
ledmag, your post above is pretty stupid. He is just sharing a Nevermore related story. He doesn't want praise. Why do you post anything here? To either tell someone something or to get a response. Usually when I don't care about a thread I don't post in it which makes sense. Or should I go to every thread I would normally not post in and say "WHO CARES!"
fuck you guys for bashing him man
he's just telling a somewhat interesting/funny story about Nevermore.

when people put up a little review of a show and mention that warrel pulled that person on stage, do you quote that line about the stage thing and flame him for wasting board space? no. so who gives a fuck if he put up a little story. i thought his little story was kinda funny. just something cool that happened to Spinal Remains