haha, so someone carved a 5150 combo in half...

i'm almost wanting to bet that someone on harmony central is selling that, or atleast they used to own it...i'm 99% sure i've seen pics of that before
the combo has a warmer bias setting which translates into a much warmer and even more midrangey sound when compared to a bone stock head - in fact, none of the 3 5150 heads i've played sounded anything like the combo which was quite a surprise really.
and if i recall correctly, the combo has reverb. i don't quite see the benefits of 60w vs 120w, as both are plenty loud, and tube saturation isn't exactly what the typical 5150 player goes for anyway, but i'm sure the reverb might come in handy, especially for leads or clean playing.

but at the end of the day, the whole thread is useless anyway, becase the "head" is just too goddamn fuggin UGLY :lol:
How come the 5150 doesnt come with reverb at all? Is it considered that the tone you will want out of it you wouldnt want to put reverb on there anyway, or maybe it its considered big and powerful and generates its own reverb in a room lol?
Actually, the reverb tank was in the bottom of the combo - I don't think it was encorporated into that head.

Also, I've found that I didn't like the tone of the 5150 combo, and it's not just the bias setting. I have the bias mod on my 5150, and the combo still sounds different - more similar to a 5150II.
kev said:
How come the 5150 doesnt come with reverb at all? Is it considered that the tone you will want out of it you wouldnt want to put reverb on there anyway, or maybe it its considered big and powerful and generates its own reverb in a room lol?

The reverb on the 5150 combo is probably the worst reverb ever.