Technical question regarding Peavey 5150


New Metal Member
Oct 6, 2006
I got a peavey 5150 half stack and it making this weird noise, like boiling oil.
Even without a guitar plugged in, it still making that noise.
I put some new tubes, tried different cab, different electrical outlet, but the noise is still there...
Do you have any idea what can it be?

Thanks a lot.
Thanks for the answers.
Acctually that noise is more noticeable on the Rhythm Channel, and its not frequent,
so I don't think its the usual "5150 hum" you were talking about.
BuriedInSmoke said:
Thanks for the answers.
Acctually that noise is more noticeable on the Rhythm Channel, and its not frequent,
so I don't think its the usual "5150 hum" you were talking about.
Is plugged on a good power surge? mine did it worse when plugged into those 4 to 1 things ( sorry, cannot remember the word now), if not, time for a tube change!
I got what you mean Buriedinsmoke, I think that's a bad cap resistor, a
tech would chage it for few bucks.
It's not frequent as you say and yes it seems like something boiling eheh
That's a common problem that happens sometimes in 5150's, anyway not every 5150, mine had that problem.
Peavey used cheap part for that resistors.
Kaomao, I don't know a whole lot about amps but I've never heard of this 'cap resistor' you speak of - a 'cap' (capacitor) stores a small amount of charge, and a resistor sets the ratio between current and voltage... do 5150s have little gizmos that do both?

Thank ya'all
The pre gain is not to high maybe 5-6, the post is 3-4.
I'll have it serviced today.
JBroll said:
Kaomao, I don't know a whole lot about amps but I've never heard of this 'cap resistor' you speak of - a 'cap' (capacitor) stores a small amount of charge, and a resistor sets the ratio between current and voltage... do 5150s have little gizmos that do both?


I'm not really into electronics, anyway my tech said that a lot of 5150's he has repaired had bad "cap resistors", maybe he said just bad "cap".... I know that that noise I had, had something to do with capacitors.
Anyway the the symptoms on mine were the same as BuriedInSmoke has described.
am i alone? i think 5150's sound either honky or way too scooped; depending on the version / model

have i just had some weird examples of 5150's in my studio, or do they just sound like that? i heard god forbid used a 5150 II on their last offering, and the guitar tone on that cd is my favorite guitar tone of any recording.