Haha SS.org can suck my balls....

Ola Englund

Only gay in the village
Dec 1, 2001
Stockholm, Sweden
vBulletin Message
You have been banned for the following reason:
Unable to post in proper section, and when pointed out said he wasn't going to post here anymore

Date the ban will be lifted: Never

I posted a Axe Fx clip in a Axe Fx equipment thread. I got a warning and when I said that ss.org can screw themselves and that I'll never post there again they ban me.

What a bunch of cunts. :D
Who was the other sneapster this happened to?
When the mods came over here bitching like crazy?
Who was the other sneapster this happened to?
When the mods came over here bitching like crazy?

I think it was Jesse.

OT: Vikk, your sig is amazing!
I am(was?) a member there. I saw where this happened and deleted all of my photos and info from the site and deleted the bookmark from my computer.

Here is the moderators statement from the "public ban list" thread:

"Ola Englund is gone permanently. He was asked to post his clips in the proper place, and responded with a quip about not posting to the site anymore. He got his wish.

I'll miss his clips, but honestly the guy was only here to promote himself and ignored user questions, so :wavey:"
-posted by technomancer

All of that is utter bullshit.

I can't find an instance of him ignoring user questions, in fact I'm seeing quite the opposite. I didn't find any unanswered questions in his threads or profile comments. The moderator's statement is a blatant lie. Ola replied to literally every single question.

All of his videos appear to be in the most appropriate categories. The amplifier ones are in "gear and equipment" and the recording tutorials are in "recording". I don't see what categories could possibly be more appropriate, or how the categories they are in are so inappropriate.

Here are all of his threads:

I see why Ola replied with a "quip". He was being harassed for no reason.

The moderator responsible was just given moderator status a couple days ago. I can't go there with one such as him banning the exact kind of people the site needs more of to save it from what it has become. All of the people who made up what was good about the site are all gone.

Apparently they are banning people for excessive awesomeness now.
Fuck SS.org, place blows.

Jeff was banned as well, I believe, over an argument between him and a moderator there about Krank amps. Really what it always comes down to is most of the people, and probably all of the moderators, there have no fucking idea what they are talking about. All that place is good for is news about new gear coming out and the for sale section.
That makes sense, retarded threads go on and on for pages of people flaming some guy because he doesn't like the Axe Fx and that's ok because it's the dick pull gear item du jour, but post in the wrong section and you're fucking outta' there, even if you did nothing of the sort.

They probably just didn't like you because none of your clips are boring, asinine djent songs.
I am(was?) a member there. I saw where this happened and deleted all of my photos and info from the site and deleted the bookmark from my computer.

Here is the moderators statement from the "public ban list" thread:

"Ola Englund is gone permanently. He was asked to post his clips in the proper place, and responded with a quip about not posting to the site anymore. He got his wish.

I'll miss his clips, but honestly the guy was only here to promote himself and ignored user questions, so :wavey:"
-posted by technomancer

All of that is utter bullshit.

I can't find an instance of him ignoring user questions, in fact I'm seeing quite the opposite. I didn't find any unanswered questions in his threads or profile comments. The moderator's statement is a blatant lie. Ola replied to literally every single question.

All of his videos appear to be in the most appropriate categories. The amplifier ones are in "gear and equipment" and the recording tutorials are in "recording". I don't see what categories could possibly be more appropriate, or how the categories they are in are so inappropriate.

Here are all of his threads:

I see why Ola replied with a "quip". He was being harassed for no reason.

The moderator responsible was just given moderator status a couple days ago. I can't go there with one such as him banning the exact kind of people the site needs more of to save it from what it has become. All of the people who made up what was good about the site are all gone.

Apparently they are banning people for excessive awesomeness now.

Thanks for standing up for my case :D

I AM a self promoting bastard but I'm still a forum nerd with questions and answers I'd like to share.

I didn't post the clip for a recording showoff. I do it to be an advocate for the Axe Fx, sharing it's awesomeness and hopefully that'll make someone to take the last leap and go buy one.

Anyway the MODERATORS there can suck my balls. Not the users, I have recieved a couple of cool mails from cool guys over there.
I could never get in to SS.org

Always seemed to me like HCAF on a smaller scale. I'm glad this place isn't like the other forums out there.
It's their loss. They think Ola doesn't answer questions and share info etc.? WTF?!
Right now Ola is getting his Axe-FX preset ready to share to everyone here! We couldn't ask for more!
Ola welcome to the family .... lol

I got Banned for AxeFx shit too ...lol

Mainly talking shit about it, but still. Unless you are praising the thing you pretty much get the band hammer over there. Fuck them bunch of worthless, cant write songs for shit but I can play really fast, and have no idea what GOOD tone is idiots over there

Anyway ... Fuck em the place is for the wankers anyway.

No it wasn't the AxeFx I got banned for but it was AxeFX related, The thread way about that "Torpedo" impulse response loader and dummy load combo unit. I was talking about how great it would be for recording all my heads in my apartment and was met with the whole "Just get an AxeFx its the same price" argument. Then when I proceeded to tell them that I don't want an AxeFX one JJRodriguez and his band of AxeFx fanbois chimed in and turned the thread into to the YOU HAVE TO LOVE THE AXEFX OR GTFO thread ... lol So I went off on them and told them to suck my cock or some shit and got the ban hammer.