Haha SS.org can suck my balls....

The place was a lot nicer just a little while ago, but now they've gone completely nuts and many of the members who made it worth checking have left (or been banned) and moved on to new forums. I don't think anyone's missing much there.

Ola welcome to the family .... lol

I got Banned for AxeFx shit too ...lol

Mainly talking shit about it, but still. Unless you are praising the thing you pretty much get the band hammer over there. Fuck them bunch of worthless, cant write songs for shit but I can play really fast, and have no idea what GOOD tone is idiots over there

Anyway ... Fuck em the place is for the wankers anyway.

No it wasn't the AxeFx I got banned for but it was AxeFX related, The thread way about that "Torpedo" impulse response loader and dummy load combo unit. I was talking about how great it would be for recording all my heads in my apartment and was met with the whole "Just get an AxeFx its the same price" argument. Then when I proceeded to tell them that I don't want an AxeFX one JJRodriguez and his band of AxeFx fanbois chimed in and turned the thread into to the YOU HAVE TO LOVE THE AXEFX OR GTFO thread ... lol So I went off on them and told them to suck my cock or some shit and got the ban hammer.

So talking shit about the Axe Fx as well as praising it will get you banned :D