What the hell is TGP's problem?


Sep 7, 2008
London, UK
What the hell is their problem? I was first suspended, and then banned (although I guess I did egg them on a bit when I told them they may as well ban me, because I refuse to stop questioning) ... and for what? It all boils down to me asking why a thread that I posted in was deleted.

The mods over there at the digital & modelling forum act like right prima donna's. The thread in question was a guy who posted some flawed experiment comparing a real Boogie MKIIB to the Axe FX II's Boogie MKIIC+ ... I pointed out my confusion on his test and asked for more details. Long and short of it is this; he was testing with pink noise, which is band limited anyway... and then looking at a single EQ response curve and going "wow! They're so close!" which is just not enough to make that kind of conclusion

Next thing I know, the thread is gone.

They let anti-Kemper sentiment fester over there, yet any criticism or mere questioning of the Axe-FX leads to threads being deleted, people getting infractions, and general censorship towards the people who question things.

Fuck you TGP. Fuck the mods and fuck the owners. They can all drink piss for all I care.:flame:
Same as 7s.org, they went full reatard.

I actually never signed up for TGP after someone at HCAF posted a thread where a SERIOUS discussion was taking place as to the effect a guitar strap had on tone.

I mean seriously, how the flying fuck can you take anyone over there serious after seeing that. :lol:
Dunno even what TGP is. Hell THIS forum lost a shit load of people over the years when we got it off the ground. Oh well.
TGP seems to have a good mix of really great, thought provoking threads and just generally some threads that have great info but also some of the dumbest shit I've read regarding music/audio gear. I might lurk TGP a few days a week but I'm not going to the effort of making an account