. . .
Those are very skewed criteria for a professional band.
We could get into a debate about it, to be honest though... I'd prefer me some Cap'n Philnis action.
As I said these are MY criteria as to what is PRO .... I left out the NO MORE DAY JOB part as I know Metal isnt as big as it used to be and there are plenty of pro bands that still work day jobs. Testament for one....
Its pretty simple really. Did a label put out your CD? Did you get a cash advance or some type of deal? You got an endorsement? Did one of the major Metal publications cover your band? Does anyone outside of your state know who the fuck you are?
If not GTFO
Ill make it even easier ..... When your photo is in Guitar World on some type of product page saying you use it. Then your important enough to be considered a pro. DEFENDERS OF THE FAITH DOESNT COUNT
I was in a DR String catalog once, but that doesnt count
Oh make no mistake gg, I *knew* and *know* that this is your own subjective criteria. It's your opinion.
But your opinion is balls. kthxbye.![]()
If you don't mind me asking what are your criteria?
I personally think that's quite a fair definition of a professional band.
Drew, you're talking about a professional band as in the people within it act in a professional band, whereas Doucheru is talking about a band that is a band professionally, IE as a profession. Totally different, only sometimes overlapping things.
Unfortunately, in metal, virtually all bands aren't professional. In either sense of the word.![]()
Perhaps they looked into the future, saw that you'd start a new account on a different forum to bump a dead thread for no good reason, and decided that preemptive strike was the best option.
Perhaps they looked into the future, saw that you'd start a new account on a different forum to bump a dead thread for no good reason, and decided that preemptive strike was the best option.
Perhaps they looked into the future, saw that you'd start a new account on a different forum to bump a dead thread for no good reason, and decided that preemptive strike was the best option.