Banned from for a month...

I used to frequent the forums quite a bit until the djent thing became a forum wide obsession.

Yes, it's a good place to find info on extended range guitars and the like, but that is just about it.

As for the mods there, I found them to be exceptionally unpleasant.
Dunno, but I see it as a proof of how cool this forum is.
No banning(I'm looking at you NS;)), just a warm and cosy place where everyone helps each other with his skills...

Shure sometimes a little rough and edgy but everyone gets his tips and has the chance to grow his knowledge.

Thats what I call a community.
Dunno, but I see it as a proof of how cool this forum is.
No banning(I'm looking at you NS;)), just a warm and cosy place where everyone helps each other with his skills...

Shure sometimes a little rough and edgy but everyone gets his tips and has the chance to grow his knowledge.

Thats what I call a community.

Stfu niggurz.

Josh: Troy was banned for repeatedly trolling about breakdowns / heavy vocals in multiple threads over and over and over again. You were banned for publicly questioning a mod decision, which has been a rule on since at least 2006 when I joined. Since you hate the place so much, the mod staff decided you'd be happier if it was permanent.

About Troy, why didn't Randy just say that then? Are we just supposed to know everything about every member who posts? Sorry, but not all of us live on the forum 24/7. Either way, he gets a week for that and I get a month (followed by a perma-ban) for asking why? How do you not see what is wrong with that?

About me "publicy questioning a mod decision"... that was never listed as a rule until yesterday or the day before when one of you updated the rules. Apparently it's been some sort of unwritten rule I didn't know about and would only have known about had I read the site news section of the website (which I'm pretty sure very few members read). Either way, it's a terrible rule. Plenty of mods there regularly make bad decisions, throw around their power unnecessarily, insult members, ban people due to differences in opinions, etc. I don't hate I hate people being banned for insignificant reasons, and I hate the mods that do it.

If you guys want to run a forum like a Nazi concentration camp, shouldn't you expect people to complain about it? Why should anything I say outside of that forum affect the status of my ban? Banning me for talking about it on another forum is extremely childish and incredibly stupid.

I've posted there for years and have helped people out a ton of times... answering recording questions, letting people know what gear was used on various albums, posting up new info about new guitars/bands/albums/songs/tours, etc. Then I'm permanently banned in a matter of a few days due to sheer stupidity. You're just going to keep driving away more and more people.
I checked the first two songs on the Myspace player and I'm willing to bet my left testicle a trendy passive humbucker was used to track those guitars. And it's probably attached to some boutique custom axe with a glorious top wood, too.

As a long time (and still occasional) poster on, I'm gonna stay out of this one. I will say that it's gone downhill over the years in certian respects (cough, mods, cough)... and, well, neither or has a quality 'Tits 'n' Asses' thread like y'all got over here. :Smokedev:
The only thing I've noticed is if any of us get banned, we dont have the mods/members from this forum stalking us in other forums to keep the battle going. I think that pretty much speaks for itself.
Actually... erm, not getting into that one. Can't say much about bans, but ugly spreads like wildfire - the fact that this pissing contest is taking place here is among the least of our worries, and the really troubling thing is that it's happening at all.

The only thing I've noticed is if any of us get banned, we dont have the mods/members from this forum stalking us in other forums to keep the battle going. I think that pretty much speaks for itself.

That's because we have actual lives and value our time.

I checked the first two songs on the Myspace player and I'm willing to bet my left testicle a trendy passive humbucker was used to track those guitars. And it's probably attached to some boutique custom axe with a glorious top wood, too.

Close enough - since your left testicle is safe, can I have the right one? :dopey:
The only thing I've noticed is if any of us get banned, we dont have the mods/members from this forum stalking us in other forums to keep the battle going. I think that pretty much speaks for itself.

Well, I guess somebody saw this thread and wasn't happy about it.

"You have been banned for the following reason:
No reason was specified.

Date the ban will be lifted: Never"

"JoshuaLogan is getting his ban bumped up to permanent.

Absolutely unprofessional of SS period. The fact that they regularly stalk their members on other forums and PERMA-BAN their members who vent their frustrations to other places on the internet.

I do believe at least in this country there is a thing as a law against cyber stalking/bullying, and following members of one forum all around the internet to see what they are doing is by all means, stalking. Get a fucking life and get the fuck out of these forums, you disgrace us all with your high school elitist bullshit.