

May 25, 2005
New Jersey, USA
This made me laugh out loud.

IL: So you don't care about touring and feel it is something you can do without?

DS: Sometimes I feel like going out on a 4 month tour as the bass player of a grindcore band, just mess around on stage and drink free beer and talk to people. But since I have a regular job, and a family, that weird dream is always flushed!

From this old interview! http://www.metalupdate.com/interviewswano.html

haha, sorry, I couldn't resist making a thread about it!
hahah good answer! in fact, this interview is full of them, even the questions are top notch, at some point the guy actually asked how Dan and Dag met!:loco: :lol:
So pretty much what he's saying in the first question is that if he'd gotten more attention from the ladies when he was younger he wouldn't have made all this awesome music?