
Which was actually my point, but the bad comedy couldn't be stopped. Just a perspective on what, in the whole schema, IS important. You get a chance to improve your poetry by having a new audience. Some might be assholes about, and many may not offer useful responses. But if even one person can offer truly insightful perspective, it will help you. Just remember why you write, and keep that foremost in your mind.
I have to do public speaking a lot for work. I've never liked it (even in school) but it's also never bothered me too much. The easiest way for me to get through it is just think about when it's over. The instant I walk off the stage, everything goes back to normal. Nobody will think anything differently of me and most likely it'll be like I never even went up and did it in the first place. That is, of course, considering I don't do anything studid or memorable. And that doesn't happen because I say pretty much the same shit every time I do it haha.

To read poetry is a whole other beast completely I'm sure... but I bet life will be the same after your speech as it was before it. :)