Please comment some songs :)


May 1, 2001
Uppsala, Sweden
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Please give me an overall opinion of these songs. They're written and performed by me and a friend (two guitars that is). I've also written a poem for each song (there are no the poem while listening to the song) . The poems can be found if you click on the song titles.

here are the songs:

then give me your honest opinion :)

there might be slight similarities to opeth here and there, but we wrote all but one of these songs before I even heard them (them= the gods, Opeth).

(these songs are from the super-rare Brooding Spirit album, Beyond the Fall.... only about 20 or so copies exist :) )
i apologize in advance for i'm the worst reviewer ever :D

I really liked the songs, even though i think the sound is not the best, still they create a really nice atmosphere, especially while reading the poems..

that's all i can say :cry:
well, havent been able to post lately, so sorry about not writing this response sooner!!

Youve got some good ideas, some great riffs and rhythms. The recording isnt great at times, but its enough to see what you're trying to achieve. I really like "A Watching Eye", the way the riffs/chords gradually change and progress is pretty cool, its relaxing and hypnotising, hehe i like the owl and the thunder and other effects, well placed and appropriate. Very good stuff. Would be good to hear this song recorded in a proffesional situation. And some drum work (even if its just bongos or something) for the last half of the song would be a good addition.

You manage to get a different sound for each song that i downloaded (i got 4 of them) which is a good thing, and nescassary for the type of music you are attempting. But most of the other songs seems to lack the progression that AWE does. Theres not as much progressing of the riffs and as such they tend to get a bit boring after 3 minutes, and the distorted guitar sound gets hard to listen to after a short while.

Dark Winter Meadow has some nice riffs and ideas, but more underlying variations (youve got the subtle things done well, but overall the song doesnt progress as much, it gives off teh same vibe for almsot the whole way) would make it far better. It seems to be just variations of one riff for the whole song, which to me got a bit much but thats just a subjective opinion.

The Hunt is a cool little tune, similar to the stuff me and my friend used to stuff around on around 4 years ago now. Id like it more if the guitars change around the timings a bit, like instead of picking out the 8th beats continually having a few more holds and little tremelos and fast bit, just to change things up and keep the interest.

So yeh my overall opinion:
You have potential, in a few years time with a bit more experimentation and experience you can turn these great ideas into songs that progress correctly and have more changes to keep the interest. Id advise listening to bands like Tool and such and study how they make their songs interesting (they have a lot of songs that have only a guitar riff or two, but they progress them perfectly, building up and down appropriately, and changing the focus between guitars-drums-effects... and slight time changes....etc etc). The riffs you develop and the lead ideas that go over the top are all really good and varied, and the progression of AWE shows me you can create a good flowing changing song in the stlye you are attempting. So stick with it! :)

and remember that all ive said is just a subjective opinion based on what i think you are trying to achieve. So take from it what you will, but the most important part is that the music is doing for you what you want it to do. If so then your music is perfect!
I hope this whole thing didnt sound too negative because there is some great ideas and riffs in there, and its not entirely my music (i prefer the major progression types, big riff changes and feeling changes, rather than songs which progress one idea), so its ahrd to form an objective opinion.