HAHAHA, Someone thinks thier clever


New Metal Member
Oct 5, 2006
Beneath The Howling Stars
Somebody (No prizes for guesseing) changed my profile.
I don't really care about it because I thought it was quite amusing but just to set the record straight:
1. BFMV can suck the little toe of my cold lifeless corpse before I even think about listening to them
2. I am not an Emo
3. Who the fuck is Matthew Tuck
4. I can write poems ^
5. Disregard #1 as BFMV are not worthy of being within a 20 mile radius of my pathetic rotting cadaver let alone suck the little toe of.
Yes I know I am a whining little fuck I just wanted to make a thread.
And will people stop being so fucking hipocritical (By people I mean Fiona) You tell me how I'm so immature for changing someones profile but you do it yourself.
Now tell me how gay this tread is and I'll tell you how good your mum was.
"Haha someone thinks their clever!"


I know. It looked wrong when I typed it correctly so I tried it the other way and realised that was wrong and forgot to change it. I also spelt Guessing wrong

"Haha someone thinks he is clever!"

Mr. English Man

No, It was aimed at Kayos

lmao.... tell me how good my mum was...

I would but you might get too excited. Lets just say that it involved a goat, a rabbi and an extended edition of Lord Of The Rings (She was pretending to be an Uruk-Hai) :p
Still, you can say "Someone thinks they're clever"

But not their, there, thier or whatever.
Wouldn't "someone thinks they are clever" mean something like "someone regards those hostile aliens dressed as government aliens as beings with cunning ideas and overall skilled"?