Hahahah, Pitchfork NAILS 'The Way of All Flesh'


I never said I didn't like the album.
In fact, I love it. And I would have rated it higher than Cosmo@Pitchfork.

I'm just picking apart one thing I don't like about the album. Which I think is a good, if not the best, starting point for a discussion about the state of modern metal.

All in good fun!
sadly the issue taken up is one of the more variable when it comes to individual taste of each listener, so I don't really see why it should be taken up as a main complaint AT LEAST NOT IN DEMOCRATIC AMERICA HELLS YEAH YALL
I'm interested in this Gojira. It's interesting to note how much their album artwork is telling of something else. I like how there is only a skeleton, with invisible matter surrounding it. If I were one of these, I would probably see the same thing.

Kudos to anyone who gets that reference ;) Hint: We dance on the....?
which is why I gave up haha <3

I'm glad the production doesn't bother me.

I think this discussion wasn't that much about what's "wrong" or "right", rather an exchange of thoughts about that topic.

And since you've been stating that you couldn't quite get what Brooks was trying to say, we were elaborating this a bit further.

I love the production on this album, near perfect. I don't see how that is a con; doesn't detract from the atmosphere of the album in my opinion.
I have no problem with the production, only the lack of really good songs aside from the three strongest ones. The opener should've been TWOAF, not Ouraborus (sp?). After that it just kinda goes downhill until it gets to track 8 or so with the percussive beats that then morph into a really kickass groove. Then skip a few tracks to get to Vacuity and that's it. It's definitely an "OMG THIS SONG IS FUCKING AWESOME and this one not so much" type of album.