don't think this is really funny, actually. It's a disturbing cry for help if i've ever seen one.

Looks to me like this Big Mike fellow, an apparent real life Private Pyle from Full Metal Jacket, was suffering from some pretty severe psychiatric disorders and was quite possibly on the verge of killing himself or going on a suicidal Columbine-style killing spree when he last logged in a year ago.

I have to agree with Beave. I wanted to laugh my ass off at this guy but there was something in his mannerisms which just seemed too horribly sad.
Steven Lynch is freaking hillarious. Nice...I hadn't heard this one in a little while :lol:
umm Phlice the one u quoted wasnt me :S?

She wasn’t quoting you. Consider the context of the rest of what she wrote. She was quoting a catchphrase.

THINK about how you’d feel in his shoes. And then THINK before you open such a lame and utterly pointless thread in which you smugly ridicule a guy obviously suffering from deep emotional problems along with involuntary twitches and spasms.
THINK about how you’d feel in his shoes. And then THINK before you open such a lame and utterly pointless thread in which you smugly ridicule a guy obviously suffering from deep emotional problems along with involuntary twitches and spasms.

People with involuntary twitches and spasms shouldn't make a video, knowing full well the internet is full of uncaring, hatred filled, mocking cunts.
Well dear Amon666, you call yourself artist, too. What would you feel like if someone posts your vid on some forum and everybody laughs their ass off about you?
Ever thought about that? I mean, this guy has recorded something he is proud of, even if we don't understand why he is.

oh come on...if anyone posts something on the Internet, he has to know that no matter what he does somebody is laughing at him... do you never watch dumb videos and laugh about them?
People with involuntary twitches and spasms shouldn't make a video, knowing full well the internet is full of uncaring, hatred filled, mocking cunts.

Making fun of somebody who's full of himself and thinks he's sooooo cool when he's not is one thing. But somehow i don't think this guy knew any better.

I thought the video was mildly humorous for a few seconds until i realized the dude had some problems, then i just felt bad for him.

To finger point, howl with laughter and leave such cruel comments to a guy like this, who most likely has been kicked in the nuts, so to speak, for all of his life, is indicative of a character flaw if you ask me.
but all what i said was, i cant stop laughing, i didnt leave rude or cruel comments to him (you can even check youtube, if i said somthin), so y the hell are u attacking me?

and if u think laughing about what is he doing is rude, sorry i cant not laugh at what is he doing!

and i opened this thread so others can have lil bit of fun, since its posted in youtube, and being watched by thousands so few more wont do any harm!