Now that's a pretty funny story!
But i somehow doubt that you sneered and laughed like a hyena at him at his expense in a thinly-veiled attempt to make yourself feel better about your own shortcomings, or said shit like...
Actually I did it because I could tell, he would try and hid it as much as possible, but with an obvious disease like that, it's pointless. So, I was trying to teach him to have a sense of humor about it. He did learn (you can teach an old dog new tricks

) And he was forever picking on my height, so payback was due
And remember, we are all just one car accident or traumatic brain injury away from being in that kids shoes.... which is something to think about anyway.
I'm retarded without the accident, that would just make me drool a lot. AND if you can't learn to laugh about things that are hard for you (disease, accidents, the third shelf in your kitch cabinets) You will never make it out of this life alive.
I will agree with you that was said on youtube was pretty harsh, but this is a metal world, you have to be prepared for the anger, bitterness and the straight up cruelty that's given us all a reason to listen to what we listen to. If this kid can listen to black metal, he can tell all those people who said something cruel to go fuck themselves
You may have a soft spot for people like him. But, I feel like you aren't giving those people enough credit. What makes you think they NEED you to stick up for them? My uncle had cerebral palsy, was in a wheelchair his whole life. Doctors didn't think he would live past 2. He was in his late 30's when he past. He was ALWAYS the first one, to laugh at his misfortune. His courage gave me the courage I needed to laugh at my harsh life. I could ramble on and list many stories like this. My first job for many years was working with the disabled, handicapped. (Broke my heart when I was finished with a client, knowing I would very likely never see them again, and I couldn't continue in that field.) They are always the first to make fun of themselves. And they don't want you to feel bad for them, they want you to treat them like everyone else. If you don't boy do they get pissed!

People sticking up for them too much makes them feel weaker. That's the last thing they want to feel.
The kid who made this video HAD TO KNOW that people can be cruel, he also knew full well his head spasmed and he can't growl. For all we know, he did it just to be funny. Maybe he wanted to continue what that other fat kid who did the video for the techno song...just wanted to make it METAL!