Haikus don't require much thought...


Words to live by
Mar 10, 2002
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Haikus don't require much thought,
while limericks most definitely ought
to require great wit,
and obscene words like "clit"
and make for a great thread. Or not.

I've read a decidedly mediocre article about limericks in Smithsonian Magazine which did little to further my knowledge about the subject and now you suffer the consequences. I'm also setting the bar really low here (on "purpose").
Obscene away.
My fave post to see is a kitten
Or something that Toby has written
But some posters I'll blame
And not mention by name
When they post, it's like Chris Farley shittin'.
Well, your response is basically a large "keep away" sign, no?
haha, oh, sorry, I totally didn't mean to kill the thread! but I did; in fact, I killed this thread deader than any thread I've ever personally killed.

I speak to the BCO crew
And Maudlinite metalheads, too
But the post just above
(though it seems like a shove)
Wasn't really (I swear) aimed at you!
Here's an old favorite:

There was a young poet named Dan
Whose poetry never would scan
When told this was so
He said "Yes, I know"
"It's because I try to cram every possible syllable into the last line that I can"
And further:

There once was a man from Coblenz
Whose balls were simply immense
It took forty four laymen
three priests and a shayman
To carry them hither and thence

There was a young man who said "God,"
"I find it exceedingly odd,
That willow oak tree continues to be,
When there's noone about in the quad."

"Young sir, your confusion is odd.
For *I'm* always about in the quad.
And that's why the tree
continues to be"
Signed 'Yours Faithfully, God'"
Isaac Asimov:

"On the beach," said John sadly, "There's such
A thing as revealing too much."
So he closed both his eyes
At the ranks of bare thighs,
And felt his way through them by touch.

Amazingly punny (and popular):

A wondefrul bird is the pelican,
His bill can hold more than his belican.
he can take in his beak
Food enough for a week;
But I'm damned if I see how the helican.