Hard Proof Dinosaurs & Humans Coexisted


May 6, 2003
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This is the post your atheist professor doesn't ever want you to see.

Ancient Dinosaur Art Destroys Evolution Timeline

Evolutionists claim that the dinosaurs died out 65 m.y.a. They say that the evolution of humans happened long after the extinction of dinosaurs. They are all too eager to dismiss the reality that most all dinosaurs died in the Flood. Though if it could be demonstrated that the evolution timeline is in fact in error, that would completely shatter the entire theory of evolution, and severely undermine the unhistorical methods of dating used by evolutionists to date the earth as well as dinosaurs.

This article comes with pictures of a very ancient cave drawing along with two stone engravings which are also very ancient. Each of these engravings have been authenticated by secular archaeologists. They depict dinosaurs which you will be able to easily identify. You may want to examine each photo while reading this. I will place my comments both here and on each picture exhibited here.

✅Exhibit A,
de Yamón, Perú.jpe

This cave painting is authentic and believed to be one of the most ancient cave paintings in the world. The Smithsonian says its 5000 years old, so we will just go with that date here. The cave painting was discovered in the Amazon district of Yamón province of Utcubamba, Peru. The painting shows tribesmen hunting a Sauropod. A good days hunt for that amount of meat makes for a very memorable hunting trip! At least the tribesman thought so. They thought enough about the hunt to celebrate it with this painting. I provided two photos of the same painting.
In Job 40:15-24, God describes the Behemoth which seems to describe a Sauropod. The Behemoth's tail sways like a cedar tree. This is not a small creature. Many have been skeptical over this passage and claim its an elephant or hippo. Yet neither have a tail like a cedar tree. But a Sauropod does have such a tail and does fit the description in job rather well. The cave painting in Peru provides even more evidence that hunters who lived in what is now called Peru, had hunted a large Sauropod. But what do evolutionists say about this painting? The Smithsonian will tell you:

"Speigel’s follow-up was even more credulous. After acknowledging that paleontologists have not found any indication of modern or recent sauropods, Speigel cites an ambiguous 5,000-year-old pictograph found in the Amazon as evidence that humans and non-avian dinosaurs overlapped in time. Speigel omits the fact that the two “researchers” who make the grand claims about the ancient art—Vance Nelson and Harry Nibourg—are creationists who have a strong bias in favor of modern dinosaurs because of their fundamentalist beliefs. In another evidence-free portion of the piece, Speigel writes, “Many previous expeditions have attempted to follow up on these reports by tracking the dangerous, swampy Likouala region of Congo, which has a climate not much changed since dinosaurs roamed in large numbers millions of years ago.” Never mind that the continents have shifted and the climate has in fact fluctuated widely over the past 66 million years—Speigel is setting up the Congo Basin as a pristine lost world where Cretaceous monsters still lurk."

While they found reasons to discredit the current existence of dinosaurs in Peru, they merely skirted around the issue. They did, however, acknowledge the authenticity of the cave painting. So they know its real but instead of focusing on what's actually in that ancient painting, they fussed about an expedition about looking for modern dinosaurs in the Amazon rain forest. But when evolutionists are confronted with hard evidence like this, they say:

"Rumors that there might be an Apatosaurus-like dinosaur in the Congo Basin have circulated for years. Young earth creationists have been especially enamored with the idea, as they wrongly believe that finding a living, non-avian dinosaur will discredit evolutionary theory. (The existence of a living sauropod wouldn’t be any worse for evolutionary theory than the discovery of modern coelacanths. These archaic fish were thought to be extinct, but once living fish were discovered, they fell perfectly well within what scientists have understood about evolutionary patterns since Darwin’s day.)"

This is what you call desperate words! So the writer (an evolutionist) says that even if a Sauropod was discovered living today, after supposedly being extinct for 65 m.y.a, that it would have no impact on the theory of evolution! Wow. Speechless. They really don't know how to answer for over a century of lies. They know the existence of Sauropods in the time of man very severely undermines everything, ever word, evolutionists have been saying about the evolution timeline. Do I need to go on any further?

✅Exhibit B: Smithsonian: Debunking the “Dinosaurs” of Kachina Bridge
This article from Smithsonian is comedy gold!

For a few years I rejected this pic because it looked too perfect. However, a deeper investigation reveals that this is a real ancient cave painting discovered in Kachina Bridge of Utah. Its estimated to be somewhere between 500 and 1500 years old -- before the alleged discovery of dinosaurs. So I decided to go to evolutionists top dino deniers -- Smithsonian -- to read the criticism about this ancient cave painting. Here's what they said about the authenticity:

"The Kachina Bridge petroglyphs were not hoaxes or frauds. They were carved by people who once lived in the region, but there is no indication that any of them represent animals, living or extinct. What creationists thought they saw in the rocks has turned out to be an illusion, but I wonder how many of them will actually admit their mistake?"

So they admit to it authenticity but they say its an illusion, that you are not really seeing a Sauropod. Smithsonian goes on to say:

"Have you ever watched the clouds go by and thought you saw one in the shape of an animal, or seen the "man in the moon"? These are examples of pareidolia—seeing what we believe to be a significant shape or pattern when it isn't really there. This phenomenon also explains the "dinosaur" on Kachina Bridge. Upon close inspection by Senter and Cole, the "sauropod dinosaur" turned out to be made up of distinct carvings and mud stains. It is definitely not a depiction of a single animal, and, viewed in detail, it looks nothing like a dinosaur. The separate carvings and mud stains only look like a dinosaur to those wishing to find one there."

Cloud watching? So, according to evolutionists, this painting was the result of cloud watching and an ancient native saw a cloud that looked exactly like a Sauropod and painted it o_O

Further on, evolutionist go as far as to say you're not seeing anything! Its just a mud stain. Nothing to see here o_O Its only a dinosaur for someone wishing it to be a dinosaur o_O :brick:
So there is the Peru Sauropod which Smithsonian admits is ancient and about 5000 years old. Then we have the Utah Sauropod. What you see in the painting is what it is.
For more laughs and dino-denying atheists you can be entertained with piss poor excuses by reading this link. I love Smithsonian and always have. They have provided hard proof that evolution never happened.

The Smithsonian is giving us a Soviet Union type of analysis. They will never accept any proofs contrary to their presuppositions. They have even admitted that if a living Sauropod was discovered today that it would have no effect on evolution theory. Oh really? A living Sauropod would be the end complete for evolution!

✅Exhibit C.

In the Golan Heights region of Israel, there lies the ancient ruins of an ancient Roman town where there is a Jewish synagogue called Umm El-Kanatir that was inhabited between 400-749 AD. At the base of one of the pillars of the synagogue, was an engraving of two theropod dinosaurs attacking what appears to be a large elephant. Though some say its a horse, its not known that horses ever had trunks like elephants. But maybe what looks like an elephant's trunk is a misunderstanding of the art. Whatever the case may be, I still see an elephant. But call it a horse or elephant and it doesn't change the analysis much.
The creature attacking the elephant has his jaws around the elephants neck to bring his prey down. This is how dinosaurs killed their prey. True, tigers also take down their prey this way. But while the picture of the creature attacking the elephant may be exaggerated some, the description looks like a large reptile. The other creature moving in for the elephant gives us more detail. It is large standing next to the elephant. Even if that's a horse its still a very large bi-pedal predator moving in on the horse! It looks a great deal like well known theropods!
But how could this be? Theropods were thought to be extinct for 65 million years! Clearly this authentic engraving is very ancient and arguably long before the alleged discovery of dinosaur fossils. And dinosaurs in Israel? Perhaps an ancient writing from a book on the Apocrypha will shed light on the subject. The Wisdom of Solomon was written roughly around 50 to 10 B.C. according to various sources. While Wisdom is not a Canonical Book, it is an authentic Jewish work written before the alleged discovery of dinosaurs.

▪️Wisdom 11:17-19 (RSV),

17 For thy all-powerful hand,
which created the world out of formless matter,
did not lack the means to send upon them a multitude of bears, or bold lions,
18 or newly created unknown beasts full of rage,
or such as breathe out fiery breath,
or belch forth a thick pall of smoke,
or flash terrible sparks from their eyes;
19 not only could their damage exterminate men,
but the mere sight of them could kill by fright."

This passage reflects on creation in these three verses. In this reflection of God's work of creation, God created the world out of formless matter and created beast like lions and bears that He could use against the disobedient sinners. Though the narrative continues to mention other created beasts that are so terrifying that could exterminate man, even the sight of them could kill a man!
Now there are some things described about these beasts that I believe are symbolic. Things like "breathe out fiery breath" may be connected to a man's fear of its mouth; or "belch forth a thick pall of smoke" or "flash terrible sparks from their eyes" could be the reaction of the fear one might believe could happen to them just by the "mere sight of them." The description is that of a classic fire breathing dragon tale. Though these dragon legends actually do come from real creatures. While its very possible the dragons breath is symbolic of paralyzing fear, dragons were real and today we call them dinosaurs. I do believe, since the passage is reflecting on creation, that this passage is most definitely describing the most horrifying dinosaurs God ever created! There are many ancient texts describing dinosaur encounters with man. Those legends are valuable because they all prove that dinosaurs once co-existed with man.

There are slight imperfections in the picture. But I believe the imperfections are due to erosion and not necessarily the engraver. The theropod on the left, the one moving in on the elephant being attacked, seems to lack some detail in his tail. Yet its clear to my mind that some of the features have eroded. The general details fit a theropod dinosaur perfectly! I believe this engraving was something originally witnessed, as they observed an elephant being attacked by large theropods. I'm not gonna guess what kind of theropod it was. Whatever it was it was huge, larger than an elephant!

Now atheists say its a tiger o_O How many tigers are bi-pedal? Nothing in that picture resembles a tiger. The theropod on the right doesn't even have a nose like a tiger. It looks like a reptile head. And again, while the details of the theropod on the right may be slightly exaggerated, the elephant and the theropod on the left, appear to be realistic and life size. The bi-pedal creature's head is hard evidence that this is indeed a dinosaur! This, and the passage in the book of Wisdom, are a perfect match for proof that dinosaurs and man co-existed! Yet, if one accepts evolution theory, they have to now accept the harsh reality that the entire timeline is just plain wrong. Dinosaurs co-existing with man destroys the credibility of the entire theory!

These three pictures are authentic. They prove evolution is a false theory. But just as the Smithsonian article said, they will never admit defeat, not even if a living Sauropod was discovered in Peru today! They know dinosaurs co-existed with man but refuse to be honest with the public about it. Its about money and politics.

✅Exhibit D

This engraving comes from an ancient Buddhist temple in Cambodia. This engraving has caught the attention of many spectators who see a Stegosaurus. In fact, everyone in the world sees a Stegosaurus except the atheist. Atheists claim its a rhino but since when do rhinos have large back plates? It true that the engraving isn't perfectly detailed. For example, it lacks spikes on the tail and the head is very larger compared to the head of a Stegosaur. But if this Stegosaur was young it might not have grown its spikes yet. It could also be that only male Stegosaurus' have spikes. Then there is the strong possibility that the Buddhist monk who engraved this had gone on the memory of what he saw, which may better explain the large head and missing spikes. But what this artist does get right, which memory will not forget, is the back plates! The back is also perfectly arched like a Stegosaur, whereas a rhino has a sway back. The controversy over this engraving will probably never end.

*Note: As I said in Exhibit B, how I had rejected that pic for years on the basis that its too perfect. Yet it is authentic. We don't expect ancient art and engravings to match our modern artistic abilities. None of the animal engravings on the Buddhist temple are perfectly detailed. But the nail details of each animal are easy enough to identify each animal engraving on the temple.

There is also this unique artifact from ancient China with Sauropods.

You be the judge. Are evolutionists lying to us about dinosaurs? If so, how long will they conceal the lie? I think they are lying. I think their agenda is political and self-centered. I think they plan on suppressing the truth from the public as long as they have the political power handed to them from the Democrat Party. I do not see evoluitionists as "scientists" as some of you do. I see a mafia crime ring that has hijacked science for its own political purposes. What purpose is that? Socialism. With Socialism a corrupt criminal political party can control all thought and enslave entire populations. Evolution theory is all a criminal enterprise. It has nothing to do with real science.
Firstly, why would you assume 'Exhibit A' depicts a Sauropod when most of those cave paintings depict animals with long necks?




This one looks to me like it could have been a large Vicuña (or any other kind of large Camelid) as long-necked grazing animals probably made up a healthy majority of what was hunted at that time.



This carving hasn't been dated nor verified. Either looks like a folksy depiction of a boar with back spikes or a leafy background, or a 4 year old's depiction of a steg.

Asian culture goes hand in hand with depictions of mythical reptiles. Next you'll be posting pictures of ancient Asian carvery as "hard proof" that dragons existed.

✅Exhibit C.

In the Golan Heights region of Israel, there lies the ancient ruins of an ancient Roman town where there is a Jewish synagogue called Umm El-Kanatir that was inhabited between 400-749 AD. At the base of one of the pillars of the synagogue, was an engraving of two theropod dinosaurs attacking what appears to be a large elephant. Though some say its a horse, its not known that horses ever had trunks like elephants. But maybe what looks like an elephant's trunk is a misunderstanding of the art. Whatever the case may be, I still see an elephant. But call it a horse or elephant and it doesn't change the analysis much.
The creature attacking the elephant has his jaws around the elephants neck to bring his prey down. This is how dinosaurs killed their prey. True, tigers also take down their prey this way. But while the picture of the creature attacking the elephant may be exaggerated some, the description looks like a large reptile. The other creature moving in for the elephant gives us more detail. It is large standing next to the elephant. Even if that's a horse its still a very large bi-pedal predator moving in on the horse! It looks a great deal like well known theropods!
But how could this be? Theropods were thought to be extinct for 65 million years! Clearly this authentic engraving is very ancient and arguably long before the alleged discovery of dinosaur fossils. And dinosaurs in Israel? Perhaps an ancient writing from a book on the Apocrypha will shed light on the subject. The Wisdom of Solomon was written roughly around 50 to 10 B.C. according to various sources. While Wisdom is not a Canonical Book, it is an authentic Jewish work written before the alleged discovery of dinosaurs.

This one is actually common knowledge and somehow your "research" didn't come across its description; it's an eagle and a lion attacking some kind of grazing animal. What you're retardedly confusing for a trunk is the length of its head.

This carving hasn't been dated nor verified. Either looks like a folksy depiction of a boar with back spikes or a leafy background, or a 4 year old's depiction of a steg.
The so-called 'back plates' are clearly part of the background. Otherwise they'd follow a line along the middle of its back, curving towards its turned head. I think they represent rocks arranged by a human hand. They have a thing for rocks there (is that a Loch Ness serpent?). Funny thing is the curved thing surrounding the boar also has 'back plates' of its own, either showing that it's a generic repeated design or stegosnakes were a thing too. Any conspiracy theorist worth their salt would've cropped those out of the photo to help their point.

Why do we even bother? :rofl:
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Firstly, why would you assume 'Exhibit A' depicts a Sauropod when most of those cave paintings depict animals with long necks?


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I very clearly can tell those are deer in the picture. I do not see any dinosaurs there.

This one looks to me like it could have been a large Vicuña (or any other kind of large Camelid) as long-necked grazing animals probably made up a healthy majority of what was hunted at that time.


View attachment 22613

It does't have a long tale. It doesn't have a robust body. And it won't take 9 warriors to kill it! That cave painting in Peru is authentic and Smithsonian dating it at 5000 years ago. It has a very long neck, robust body, very long tail, and its features look like a Brachiosaurus. I guess that would explain why it took 9 warriors to kill it. What a memorable hunt that would be. The closest thing they had to a camera back then was their cave art. So, technically, they photographed it, immortalizing their victorious hunt for future generations of warriors to see. The creature in the painting is also huge. Nothing like that lives on earth today.

This carving hasn't been dated nor verified. Either looks like a folksy depiction of a boar with back spikes or a leafy background, or a 4 year old's depiction of a steg.

The plates are part of the creature. Its not decoration. We shouldn't expect perfection from ancient engravers either. You try and carve out a Stegosaurus in stone and see how well you do. I doubt neither of us could do any better. The engraver most likely went by memory, too. He didn't have a colored photo of a Stegosaur to aid in his engraving. The arched back and back plates are clear features of a Stegosaurus. By the way, the engraving is authentic and its from an ancient Buddhist temple in Cambodia.

Here's a carving of a camel found at the same Buddhist temple. No leaves. Only the Stegosaur has back plates. None of the other animals do.
Dinosaur_Discovered_Hampi_Vittala_Temple_Cambodia_hinduism_65_million_Years_Old (2).png

Asian culture goes hand in hand with depictions of mythical reptiles. Next you'll be posting pictures of ancient Asian carvery as "hard proof" that dragons existed.

When I see Sauropods on the artifact I'm inclined to believe that there is more to dragon legends that what we've been told about them. In fact, the word dinosaur wasn't coined until 1841 by Sir Richard Owen. The ancients called them by many other names, but dragon kinda stuck. They were called dragons, serpents, monsters and..reptiles. Dinos are indeed reptiles so I fail to see the problem here? So, dinosaurs were called dragons by many ancient cultures. So, some of the details were exaggerated out of the fear man had for them.

This one is actually common knowledge and somehow your "research" didn't come across its description; it's an eagle and a lion attacking some kind of grazing animal. What you're retardedly confusing for a trunk is the length of its head.

View attachment 22614

Some people say its a horse and others see an elephant. I still see an elephant. But eagles don't feed on elephants or horses. The features of the large head going for the kill looks like a reptile...not a lion. The claw you see is not the claw of a lion but the claw of a T-rex. The head and nose features strongly favor a reptile over a lion. Besides, lion heads aren't that big. And even if we both agree the size of the head may be slightly exaggerated its still too big for a lion. And there are no eagles that stand that high to either a horse or an elephant. But there is one creature known that does stand that high.
tyrannosaurus_rex_vs_african_elephant_by_sameerprehistorica-d5kr9sb (1).jpg

Now the engraving makes more sense! The mouth on the creature matches a T-rex more than it does an eagle. Notice the nose in the picture above on the T-rex is a perfect match for the engraving. A lion's nose and head features look nothing like that.
Mother of-4.jpg
Some of the features on this stone have very clearly eroded. But from what features still stand out we can see that the legs of the bipedal creature are too big and robust for any known eagle. Eagles have beaks and there is no beak in this picture. There is, however, a bipedal creature with a large head and mouth wide open. Here is a picture posted by someone else who does not see an eagle.

A clearer picture with no shadow in it reveals even what looks like large rows of teeth on the bottom jaw. Eagles do not hunt horses and elephants. But the creature in this engraving has taken part of a hunt. The creature being hunted and killed is a large animal, call it a horse or elephant it doesn't matter. This picture is an ancient photograph...an engraving...that has capture a couple theropod dinosaurs attacking an elephant (or a horse, whatever it doesn't matter). Lions are not bipedal.
The language of Paleontology derived from Latin. Thus it is only fair that we consider the Latin Vulgate. It was translated in the 4th century, before the alleged discovery of dinosaurs.

Genesis 1:24-25,

24 Dixit quoque Deus: Producat terra animam viventem in genere suo, jumenta, et reptilia, et bestias terrae secundum species suas. Factumque est ita.

25 Et fecit Deus bestias terrae juxta species suas, et jumenta, et omne reptile terrae in genere suo. Et vidit Deus quod esset bonum,

In verse 24 you'll see et reptilia which means "and reptiles" -- "plus reptiles."
It continues with et bestias terrae which means "and [the] beasts [of the] earth." So everything is well covered here.

In verse 25 you'll see reptile terrae which literally means "reptile earth." However, terrae can be used for planet. This is rare but not unusual in Latin. The Latin word dinosaurus was, again, coined in 1841. It will not be found in the 4th century Latin Vulgate. It comes from the Greek words δεινός (deinós, “terrible, awesome, mighty, fearfully great”) + σαῦρος (saûros, “lizard, reptile”). Thus reptile terrae can transliterate to dinosaur planet.

The Wisdom of Solomon was written roughly around 50 to 10 B.C. according to various sources. While Wisdom is not a Canonical Book, it is an authentic Jewish work written before the alleged discovery of dinosaurs.

▪️Wisdom 11:17-19 (RSV),

17 For thy all-powerful hand,
which created the world out of formless matter,
did not lack the means to send upon them a multitude of bears, or bold lions,
18 or newly created unknown beasts full of rage,
or such as breathe out fiery breath,
or belch forth a thick pall of smoke,
or flash terrible sparks from their eyes;
19 not only could their damage exterminate men,
but the mere sight of them could kill by fright."

This passage reflects on creation in these three verses. In this reflection of God's work of creation, God created the world out of formless matter and created beasts like lions and bears that He could use against the disobedient sinners. Though the narrative continues to mention other created beasts that are so terrifying that could exterminate man, even the sight of them could kill a man!
Now there are some things described about these beasts that I believe are symbolic. Things like "breathe out fiery breath" may be connected to a man's fear of its mouth; or "belch forth a thick pall of smoke" or "flash terrible sparks from their eyes" could be the reaction of the fear one might believe could happen to them just by the "mere sight of them." The description is that of a classic fire breathing dragon tale. Though these dragon legends actually do come from real creatures. While its very possible the dragons breath is symbolic of paralyzing fear, dragons were real and today we call them dinosaurs. I do believe, since the passage is reflecting on creation, that this passage is most definitely describing the most horrifying dinosaurs God ever created! There are many ancient texts describing dinosaur encounters with man. Those legends are valuable because they all prove that dinosaurs once coexisted with man.
When liberals know their debate is lost they resort to insults and name calling as a last ditch effort to defend a lie.

When brainwashed religious zealots realise scientific fields contradict their belief system, they bend over backwards to interpret things to fit around their beliefs. Your "hard proof" is trash that wouldn't hold up under any level of rigorous scrutiny.

Even if that were a carving of a steg (it's not) why would it be evidence that non-avian dinosaurs and man co-existed rather than that Cambodian civilisation uncovered the fossils of a steg? I know you're inclined to making leaps of faith but that's not how "hard proof" works retard.

Also your criticism of the fact that the pillar carving is of a lion and eagle is based on your delusion that the prey animal depicted is massive in size - like a elephant or horse, and therefore the scale could only be that of dinosaurs. This is just stupid shitty ravings of a mentally declined young earth creationist, nothing more.
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When brainwashed religious zealots realise scientific fields contradict their belief system, they bend over backwards to interpret things to fit around their beliefs. Your "hard proof" is trash that wouldn't hold up under any level of rigorous scrutiny.

Even if that were a carving of a steg (it's not) why would it be evidence that non-avian dinosaurs and man co-existed rather than that Cambodian civilisation uncovered the fossils of a steg? I know you're inclined to making leaps of faith but that's not how "hard proof" works retard.

Also your criticism of the fact that the pillar carving is of a lion and eagle is based on your delusion that the prey animal depicted is massive in size - like a elephant or horse, and therefore the scale could only be that of dinosaurs. This is just stupid shitty ravings of a mentally declined young earth creationist, nothing more.
The animal on the pillar engraving is indeed either a horse or an elephant.
According to atheists, dinos weren't discovered until the 19th century. There is no historical records of Paleontology in the ancient world. The cave painting in Peru proves that 9 warriors had hunted a Sauropod.
If you wanna believe that ancient art is an accurate depiction of what was happening in reality at the time, then they most certainly had flying chariots in ancient India around the time the Vedas were written.
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If you wanna believe that ancient art is an accurate depiction of what was happening in reality at the time, then they most certainly had flying chariots in ancient India around the time the Vedas were written.
I'd ask you to quote that from the Vedas but I doubt you have read it. But atheists do believe the Vedas because that's where they got the ape to man idea from. Atheists and Hindus alike worship Hanuman the flying monkey god.
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I'd ask you to quote that from the Vedas but I doubt you have read it.
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kṛṣṇáṃ niyânaṃ hárayaḥ suparṇâ / apó vásānā dívam út patanti
tá âvavṛtran sádanād ṛtásyâd / íd ghṛténa pṛthivî vy ùdyate
dvâdaśa pradháyaś cakrám ékaṃ / trîṇi nábhyāni ká u tác ciketa
tásmin sākáṃ triśatâ ná śaṅkávo / 'rpitâḥ ṣaṣṭír ná calācalâsaḥ