Hail, Hello, Hi, Thanks....and FUCK YEAH!!


Who drops crackers?
Apr 1, 2006
Albany, Ga
I figure that quite a few of these threads are going to flood the forum over the next few days, so I'll just kick off the bandwagon before passing the hell out after three days of pure metal bliss. This was my first Progpower, and it was fucking life changing, especially when you consider that a medical emergency almost prevented me from going in the first place (God damnit, I only had ONE drink the entire time)

I owe a huge thanks to many of you who took a second to take the noobass, and basically offer a handshake and badass conversation. You guys are what made this trip as wonderfull as it turned out, and also reminded me of exactly what kind of presence I've had in communicating with you on the forum. I especially need to note when many of you, including Morten from Mercenary, turned towards me at various points this weekend and asked:

"Hey, you're that arcade guy, right?" =D

So to Glenn, all of the band members, and fellow ProgPower'ers who made this event what it was, a huge thanks is due from the bottom of my heart. You've made your mark on me for life, and I'll see you fuckers next year! :kickass:
Thirded a Kajillion times!

I also met so many awesome people over the past three days... it was truly a weekend that I will be talking about for a long time. One of the highlights was being able to catch Glenn during his stage dive! :rock:

A special thanks go out to my "temporary" roomies Pyramaze51 and Shokrok who truly made assimilating into the festival a lot easier for this noob. It wouldn't have been the same experience without them, and I am grateful for their kindness. Next year I just hope I don't have to work as much in the hotel room during the off hours... ugh.

Cheers everybody!
biggs0072000 said:
I figure that quite a few of these threads are going to flood the forum over the next few days, so I'll just kick off the bandwagon before passing the hell out after three days of pure metal bliss. This was my first Progpower, and it was fucking life changing, especially when you consider that a medical emergency almost prevented me from going in the first place (God damnit, I only had ONE drink the entire time)

I owe a huge thanks to many of you who took a second to take the noobass, and basically offer a handshake and badass conversation. You guys are what made this trip as wonderfull as it turned out, and also reminded me of exactly what kind of presence I've had in communicating with you on the forum. I especially need to note when many of you, including Morten from Mercenary, turned towards me at various points this weekend and asked:

"Hey, you're that arcade guy, right?"

So to Glenn, all of the band members, and fellow ProgPower'ers who made this event what it was, a huge thanks is due from the bottom of my heart. You've made your mark on me for life, and I'll see you fuckers next year! :kickass:

Only one thing for you :



The video we took of you at the Granada will soon be posted here! :lol:
Just arrived home and had to put my 2 cents into this thread to thank everyone for making my first ProgPower such a memorable experience. I feel like I’ve been at summer camp for metal kids. I hated to leave, and I will definitely be back next year. :rock:

Many thanks to the bands -- as well as to Glenn, Shane, and all the folks who have worked behind the scenes all year long to put on such an outstanding festival. While some bands were more in line with my musical tastes than others, every performer left it all on the stage. (An extra thanks to Circus Maximus for putting out a debut CD so excellent that traveling across the country to some festival I’d never heard of seemed a much more logical alternative than missing their one U.S. date.)

Thanks also to my fellow attendees. Even though I’ve been following the boards for the last few months, I was blown away by everyone’s friendliness and the sense of community that occurs at this festival. Folks just seemed to treat each other with a level of respect that you don’t always see standing in line at the post office – much less at a concert. Maybe Glenn’s Hawaiian shirts serve to inject everyone with a big dose of Aloha spirit. :)

I had a blast meeting so many folks who share my passion for great music. Special thanks to MetalSeamstress for showing me the MARTA ropes, helping me find the Residence, and taking the time to point out our fellow forum posters. (Unlike our PHX-ATL flight, I hope that your trip home was uneventful and that your pilot didn’t have to engage in any evasive maneuvers...)

Thanks again to all…those of us who have enjoyed the graciousness and friendliness of this year’s veterans will have to be sure and share the love with NEXT year’s freshman class. :cool:
AngraRULES said:

Only one thing for you :



The video we took of you at the Granada will soon be posted here! :lol:

Man, that's going to be some funny shit. Too bad no one got video of the incident involving Thunderstone's nether region on the last night.
biggs0072000 said:
Man, that's going to be some funny shit. Too bad no one got video of the incident involving Thunderstone's nether region on the last night.

Haha, your video was one of the most memorable things I've ever seen at ProgPower!! I was on the floor laughing, you had the balls man!! Great stuff!

Im waiting until Pat uploads the video he filmed, and will send it to you too! lol

What's the deal with Thunderstone?

I am SOOOO glad you made it out there after all the shit (literally!) you went through. That was a terrible ordeal to go through, just days before the journey. You are metal as all hell, bro!!! But be sure to give me an update on your health once you get it all figured out.
freakchylde said:
Thunderstone decided to prove that even Finns have balls. So they had them out on display all night.

HAHAHAHAHA that's hilarious, although I'm not sure if I wanted to see a video of that LOL.
AngraRULES said:
Haha, your video was one of the most memorable things I've ever seen at ProgPower!! I was on the floor laughing, you had the balls man!! Great stuff!

Im waiting until Pat uploads the video he filmed, and will send it to you too! lol

What's the deal with Thunderstone?

Basically, a few members put their balls on some poor girl's ass. Although I whitnessed the event in person (Gunstar 9 got photos :erk:), I heard a bit later that it was the guys from Thunderstone.

Bryan316 said:

I am SOOOO glad you made it out there after all the shit (literally!) you went through. That was a terrible ordeal to go through, just days before the journey. You are metal as all hell, bro!!! But be sure to give me an update on your health once you get it all figured out.

I'm waiting on a follow up apointment with my doctor about it, but I feel pretty decent. Unfortunately, I got home, and realised that I left my pills in one of the rooms I partied in. At least they were "Take as needed". :goggly:
Was this the same balls incident that I happened to witness Saturday around 4am on the 3rd floor of the Granada or were there multiple "ball events" going on this weekend?