Thanks Glenn and the PPIV crew!!!

Mr Toast

Aug 1, 2002
I'd just like to say a huge THANKS to Glenn and everyone that made ProgPower IV possible. I'm still in a state of euphoria/shock from the whole thing, and will definitely be back next year.

The bands all did extremely well, and also deserve high compliments (some of which I was able to personally thank afterwords - I do wish I could have thanked all of you personally...).

And I really enjoyed meeting some of you from the board here as well. I was constantly rushing back and forth getting pictures and such, and apologize if I seemed abrupt to anyone. It was a pleasure people.

And thanks to the two people who were kind enough to sell me their Gold Badges. This is very much appreciated and I very much appreciate you making these available to me.

It was an awesome show PPIV guys (and others)!!! You did an awesome job and it is very much appreciated!!!
This was my second PP (III last year, as well), and I had a blast. Glenn and crew did an awesome job providing a wonderful experience for everyone. Thanks guys! As soon as the dates for PPV are announced, my hotel reservations will be made!!
- R